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fumari al waha etc etc

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hey guys, iv been really dissapointed with blueberry so far, i have
tried layalina samples I bought that are very faint in taste, and now
that they have been sitting around for a few weeks, it seems as though
there is no taste at all, i tried al waha blueberry at a cafe, and its
even less tastey, i just got my fumari blueberry in and i will try it
out later and let you guys know,

i read someones post that said fumari sour apple has no anise, but i
could smell it when i opened the sour apple lid, i hope it does not
taste like all the other double apples i have had, al waha, al faker,
nakhla, i didnt like any of them but maybe apple just might not be my
flavor, i am hoping sour apple is good, and i would like to try al
fakher green apple,
my question is  if fumari sits around for a few weeks (like my
layalina blueberry) will it lose its taste? al waha and nakhla seems to
be very good that way, they last if your not smoking them, (by the way
before anyone suggests, i put all my tobacco in air tight zip lock
bags) , so 

1)does fumari last?  or  does the taste go away if its not smoked fast enough? and

2)can anyone suggest blueberry from another company?

3)and what does fumari passion fruit taste like?
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Some fumari flavors last throughout the smoke.  Passion fruit lasts for a while as does black cherry and lemon mint.  I found that some of the other flavors like Sour apple and Kiwi do not have much flavor and do not have much of a taste after the first couple of hits.I like lemon mint and passion fruit the best.  I've had these flavors for 3+ weeks and they haven't died on me.
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