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Amount of smoke?

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Hey guys,Although I've been smoking hookahs fairly reguarly at different bars and coffeeshops, I never had one of my own until...today! I got myself a nice Egyptian 26 inch hookah, plus some coals, accessories, etc. Anyway, I've smoked from it a couple times already and really like it. My only problem is that I seem to not be getting as much smoke from it as I do from hookahs I've used in public places before. I have to inhale very deeply to get anything approaching a large amount. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? I'm using a single one of quick light Golden Charcoals and I'm using Romman brand tobacco of various flavors.Maybe I am putting in too much tobacco, packing it too tight or something similar? I've read on here about letting your tobacco "air out" for awhile before using it, could that help? Should I maybe try two coals instead of one?
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Yeah, its overall a very weak experience I say. Like I said about the draw, I really need to pull in hard to get a good amount of smoke. I really tried not to overpack the bowl, I just pulled out a little pinch of tobacco, pulled it apart and lightly put it in the bowl...
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Romman, sweet melon. Also have double apple I'm gonna try soon. I actually was surprised at how little tobacco fit in the bowl. It can't be more than 5-7g (about 1/8 of the 50g package). I just didn't want to pack it in...  
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Yeah, the tobacco amount sounds right, just make sure that its enough
tobacco so that the foil is only about 1/8th of an inch above the
shisha.  Poke lots of toothpick-sized holes in the foil.  My
guess is that you need more heat.  Golden coals are disks if im
not mistaken, so break 2 or so of the disks into equal
"half-disks"  add 1 half-disk to either side of the bowl, along
the edges, not the center.  Puff for awhile (10 minutes).  If
you arent getting some good smoke add another half disk to one of the
sides.  puff for 10 minutes. finally add another half coal (this
makes a total of 2 coals on the bowl) if you dont get thick smoke from
this, something is wrong.  If your smoke starts tasting bad, take
coals off and/or rearrange their position on the bowl.
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one coal sounds like not a sufficient enough heat source for thick smoke but as for the draw...well i had the same prob with my first hookah and turns out it was my hookah, it just was a very narrow down stem, but for the smoke thickness and flavor i just had to find the right amount of heat.  On the size of bowl you probably got with your hookah you might want to try about 1 and a half of a coal just to get the bowl warmed up and going strong then back off the heat to one coal.  For the half a coal i find just snaping it while its wraped in a towel, and believe me the first few times you might end up with coal dust but you eventualy find tricks of your own to snap it.  good luck and congrats on your first hookah.  Happy smokings. P.S. let me know how it goes!
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I acctually just had some Romman with Golden Coals, I wasen't getting much smoke at first (mostly due to having very little tobacco in a larger bowl) but what I did was stack 2 golden coals on top of each other, they keep each other hotter it seems, then after they were both good and lit I put on my wind cover. This produced a nice thick smoke even from a small puff, very nice. Throughout the burn i rotated the coals (top to bottom) and moved them around the bowl as needed. I've done this with 3 kings coals also, I've been pretty satisfied with the results. Obviously if it gets harsh (not) take off one of the coals and leave it in the tray in case you need it again. But to my suprise I personally havent had overheating issues with them stacked as I have before with more than one on the bowl itself.
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Thanks guys for all your suggestions. I've tried different amounts of coal plus some new Al-Waha tobacco and am getting some better results now. This Al-Waha orange is the best tasting thing ever! One more question though...how does everybody go about moving coals/ash once its done and the hookah needs a new one? Do you just put a new coal on top of the ash? Its way too hot to move. I'd rather not push the ash off into the tray and make a big mess...
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What I usually do to "ash" the coal is carefully pick it up (so the ash dosent fall on the bowl) and drop it onto the tray a few times to get it all shaken off. Usually there isn't much ash on top of the bowl (for me with good coals) so if there IS enough that i care i'll just cup my hand behind it and CAREFULLY blow it onto the tray.
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