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Tangiers’ F-Line Apple

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[b]Flavor Reviewed:[/b] Tangiers F-Line Apple[b]Setup:[/b] MYA Acrylic[b]Coals Used:[/b] ¾ of a 33mm Three Kings[b]Ma’assel Total Weight:[/b] 258 grams.[b]Background:[/b] For those of you who have been living in a cave, Tangier’s F-Line is caffeinated. He is also my hero, and his ma’assel is endorsed by David Hasselhoff.[b]Appearance:[/b] Pick the tobacco, throw it in a pot, stir it up, strain it up, smoke a whole lot.[b]Smell:[/b] Anyone ever made homemade cider wine? It smells like the pulp, almost intoxicating. My thinking is a red apple, with a bit of golden delicious added in as well. Good smelling stuff.[b]Flavor:[/b] Ok, confession. I have never tried an apple ma’assel that I liked. They all sucked, and I had given up. Same goes for grape, and until Starbuzz Lemon, lemon. I loved this stuff. It tastes like an apple. Not like you’re biting into one, but almost the feel of an apple when it is in your mouth, that heavy, sweet taste that is so distinct in a good cold apple on a hot day. I taste some red in here, and some golden, with a little bit of a green punch, but not much. As I said, it’s not like you’re biting that apple, more like you’re experiencing the flavor of it, on a very slight Nakhla style impressionistic level.[b]Smoke Density:[/b] It’s typicall Tangiers Fog of War. Heavy and lazy, and lots of it, it hangs through the air, and masks enemy troop movements.[b]Roomnote:[/b] A slight hint of apple juice.[b]Buzz:[/b] Ba-zing! The muffin man is running, David Hasselhoff is shaving his chest hair, baby Jesus is crying, and America has found it’s long missing WMD. Seriously, you’re sitting here smoking, thinking how tasty this is, and then Train 9 ¾ comes roaring down the track and crashes into you, and you’re in a happy place, your toes are tingling, your pants are around your ankles, the dog is hiding behind the couch, and you have no idea what the hell just happened, but you’re sure glad you didn’t have to eat an earwax flavored jellybean. [b]Overall Impressions:[/b] *expletive deleted*[b]Rating:[/b] 10.0 out of 10.0. Tangiers has done it again.
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[quote name='DizzyGuy']I really need to get with Tangiers and try some of this f-line...[/quote]
No doubt, Dizzy. This stuff sounds like a Nakhla freak's wet dream. Is it on the market now? Well, gee. I guess I can page on over to hookahcompany and check
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Great, reading this review thread makes me want to get it more and more now.... I might just have to suck it up and order it... where is the cheapest place to get it?  Or is hookahcompany pretty much it?
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