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Ok... so, I see in posts here and there where people let shisha air out... do you air out the whole supply or just a bowl at a time?  And how long do you let it air out?  What effect does this have?  Thanks for bearing with my noob hookah questions =P
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Imagine my disapointment when I figured to scroll down and get a realy speific answer to your question, but.... So why do I go to great length to cover my box of shisha with 8 plastic bags and an airtightbox,plus putting it in a closed container? And here is the greatest of all my questions for the last 3 plus years? No mater how much I cover, there is still a nice (to me) fruity flavor in the room I have it in .Is it losing strength?
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Well made tobacco shouldn't dry out...it may separate, but stirring it should make it look brand-new again. Some flavors are prone to fading...citrus flavors, pineapple, most flavors should be OK.
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