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do you inhale

do you inhale  

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I hope this hasn't been done before. But I see alot of you out there talking about the buzz you get from smoking your hookahs. I am an ocassional cigar smoker, pipe smoker,(when I have some, my brand of pipe tobacco can be hard to come by and what I pay for the cigars I like I can buy 2 mya qts) but mostly I dip snuff. At night I like to smoke my hookah I don't inhale but yet I get my nicotene out of it. I see some threads were people talk about almost getting sick from smoking thier hookahs just wondering if you don't inhale some of the stronger brands you might have a better experince. The nicotene in tobacco is absorbed through the membranes of your mouth ( yea I know you always inhale a little). I guess when I smoke my hookah I want to enjoy it not puke.
Just Curious
Darn winter flower shisha can even smell it though tupperware
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of course i inhale. how can you get your hookah really going if you dont inhale. Plus its so smooth and easy on the lungs (feeling that is not health wise). plus you cant get good smoke rings if you dont inhale. i dont inhale pipe tobacco or cigars, but hookah certainly. ive only ever wanted to puke when inhaling massive amounts of high nicotine tobacco like pharaoh's
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[QUOTE=HookahCaterpillar]I dont understand how its physically possible to not inhale. When you hit it your lungs are opened. Put it this way if your hookah is bubbling then you ARE inhaling it may be so smooth you cant feel it but trust me if smoke is coming out of your nose then you are inhaling. [/QUOTE  Wrong you can get smoke through your nose with out inhaling
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I definitely get the most flavor out of shisha when exhaling a deep draw of smoke. And I dont get a 1/4th of that flavor when I just puff it like a regular tobacco pipe--which probably explains why I always inhale.  I think it would be a total waste of money to just puff it, but whatever floats your boat I suppose...
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Yes but when you suck through your mouth you can push it through your nasal passages with out inhaling uh oh what did I start
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steve im with u here.i enjoy arghileh more without inhaling.i dont care for the buzz that much(thats what narcotics are in the world for),i get more flavor and a sh*t load more smoke.since im a freakin chimney with cigarettes,i like the break from inhaling constantly.unless im really feeling getting buzzed off hookah i dont inhale.and you definently CAN blow smoke out your nose without inhaling;i do it all the time.
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hahaha sorry but how is this possible. can you make a photo from your
smoke :> that must be the same small smoke like from a cigarette or
from a cigarre. i already try to smoke hookah without inhale but it
dont work or it came just a small smoke out of it :)

so i inhale my hookah and thats normal for a hookah smoker
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Yes, you can "mouth" puff on a hookah. I smoke cigars and pipe..or atleast I did before I got into the hookah that is...
You CAN just puff the smoke into your mouth...its a trick cigar and pipe smokers learn so that we DON'T inhale. If you've never smoked either, it may be harder to understand. Thats the HOW. WHY is a personal preference really. Some folks dont NEED huge clouds of smoke filling the room and obscuring their view to enjoy the flavour of a hookah. While I do inhale, I have friends who wil occasionally smoke with me who just like to puff. Unlike a pipe or cigar, the heat source for hookah is not dependant on continual air flow through the lit tobacco. So you can shallow puff and everything stays hot and smokin'.
Just because we inhalers choose to, doesnt mean there is no other way...
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usually I inhale, but after a while I'll sometimes switch to puffing on
it. When I blow o's, I often just puff to get the smoke in my mouth. No
need to inhale unless I'm doing donuts. Nothing wrong with just
puffing, and it's quite easy to do.
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I'm a pretty savvy cigar smoker as well.  Cigar smoke is more
alkaline, and therefore absorbs through tissue in your mouth more
readily.  AS far as i know, shisha smoke is similar to cigarette,
and wont absorb into your bloodstream very readily through the mouth

I inhale.  Its much more fun.

Give it a try steve, tell us how you like it.
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Not that President  Bill Clinton  of the USA could be called ancient history, like President Grover Cleaveland or such, but the news reporters asked him on his first Presidential campaign if he had smoked "Mary Jane" as a college student and he admitted that he tried it, "but I didn't inhale", he mentioned as a refuge.
Hookah is different, since  a person smokes it for its sensual value, so you'd do what is enjoyable to you as a smoker. Just make sure, if you run for public office to tell the truth about your own hookah smoking preference.
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