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Our website from mountainsmoke

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Hey guys. i like this forum very much and you have nice reviews and tricks. im a importer of tobacco and hookahs in switzerland and started since 2months with my own company.
you can find the page under [url="http://www.mountainsmoke.ch"]http://www.mountainsmoke.ch[/url]
first: This is not a advertisement or something like this. I just want to know if you like the design and if you have any ideas to make the design better. and what do you think about our tobaccos. which tobaccos are your favorites ? which tobacco did you miss on our page ?
and sorry the page is in german. the english one will follow in a few weeks.
Tobacco = Tabak
Hookah = Shisha
accessories  = Zubehoer
Charcoal = Kohle
Im verry happy for any feedback.
Thanks guys
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I like the format of the page, very colorful and catches my eye. I really like the colors chosen, it's very tropical and pleasing to look at. It seems like you have a decent selection of tobacco but can't really say much as far as flavors... since I can't read german. Also it looks like you have some good hookahs for sale but again can't comment as far as prices & description due to language. I think it would be easier to access further details on products if you had the details linked by clicking the picture &/or the name of the product instead of having to click the smaller words saying to click for more details.. but thats just me being lazy. hah But when I'm surfing the net, I like for the links to be very accessible & not having to click small links. Well I hope this helps a little. Good luck.
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i like the webpage layout, but since im in america, dont speak german, and can get better priced things her with cheaper shipping costs, im afraid im not likely to be a good customer. However, you have really nice high quality hookahs. i also really like the picture of the girl. I suggest for your front page you have a a section with pictures of a hookah tobacco coal and accessories and you have these linked to the sections. kind of like socialsmokehookah.com or hookah-shisha.com do. This makes it easier and makes the front page less cluttered. I really like the layout of the tobacco, hookah, coal, etc sections. but the home page doesnt draw me into the site.your header bar with the picture of the hookah, the girl, and your logo is terrific. maybe make some of the rest of the front page look more like that. its bright and fruity and just makes you want to explore more. nice site but could be improved.i think you should definately stock al fakher and nakhla tobacco, and perhaps consider some premium brands like romman or starbuzz.sorry noone noticed commented before. whens that english site coming
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hehe thanks guys for the feedback.

and yes the prices for tobacco coal and other things is cheaper in the
usa or other countrys but we have the higher import cost of tobacco in
switzerland. we pay around 1'000 dollar for 100kg tobacco and another
1000 dollar for shipping.

you have a hookah paradise in the usa :D

thanks again for your inputs and your feedback. i hope we can change this things in the coming months.
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Sad thing your not in the EU - It will probably be hell getting the tobacco through customs and end with double taxing.Maybe you should have the pipe pictures be thumbs that you can click for bigger pictures - people like to se details and such when browsing pipes.
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hehe write me a mail if you want something hooka_master and say you're
from the forum so i can make you some special price on the tobaccos.

the shipping to italy and the rest of europe:

"A-Post" means 2-4 days and "B-Post" 4-8 days shipping time.

1-400 Gramm Tabak

A-Post: 8.30 €

B-Post: 5.15 €

400-850 Gramm Tabak

A-Post: 13.45 €

B-Post: 7.75 €

850-1700 Gramm Tabak

A-Post: 20.50 €

B-Post: 13.45 €

Best Regards
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