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I would scrub you stem out to see if it is just surface rust. I don't think it would hurt you but not sure? After you clean it try to put a light coat of veggi oil in it and let it set for a day. Before use again wipe the veggi oil out. Good Luck
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To clean it i just use a brush right? i don't have one of those brushes which seem really small and the stem seems pretty long, would i be able to clean all of the stem?  Are sum stems unscrewable because i don't think mine is.
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yes use a brush, yes some stems are treaded is your hookah a hookah brothers those are notorius for rusting and cheaply made.
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i dunno, i'm scared now. I dun really wanna smoke anymore. Myabe i should just buy a hookah where i can unscrew the stem apart. I bought mine up in a trip to Canada, can't really trust those Canadians  j/k. I'll just go buy a brush then, does any1 else have anymore info bout the rust?
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It's the small piece on the other side of the hose the will be a piece that will screw off the ball bearing is inside of that
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The vent is the small, projection, 180 degrees around from the hose port...it should unscrew...you may need to use pliers. Be gentle! If you torque it too hard the solder could break then you're really up fudge creek. Inside is a ball bearing. Clean it and the replace it and screw the housing back on it. Don't tighten it too much so it will be easier to clean, next time.
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