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Tangiers shisha too dry...

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I keep my shisha in zip lock bags, i kept two packs of tangiers wraped up in 1 zip lock bag and all the shisha juices extracted from the shisha and leaked out.. and now it seems like all my shisha is dry.. should I keep it in a humid area?? mabye il put them both in two individual bags...
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[quote name='nuschultz']I keep my tobacco inside tupperware inside ziplock bags.  Never have a problem, or a leak.[/quote]

Yeah,  usually in an airtight plastic tub is the best way to store shisha.
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I think the title of this thread is a bit misleading.  When I saw Tangiers and dry in the same sentence I knew something was up.  His shisha is always very moist and juicy.  Keep your stuff in airtight containers instead of ziplock bags.
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If the juice leaks out, its pretty much jacked. I like Ziploc disposable food containers.Caution: Never reuse a food container that has been used for storing tobacco as a food container!
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i store my fumari in the plastic tubs that it came in and the juices
sometimes all seep to the bottom of the tub, is there no damage done if
i simply mix all the shisha up and back in with the juices before i
smoke it?
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Thats what I do and recommend for all juicy (Low-specific gravity maasel juice) maasel. I don;t think you can even smoke Tangiers without stirring it up well before each bowl...well the results would be porr...actually I've never tried it...seems silly...stir!
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