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Well for some odd reason Im getting good flavor from tangiers F-Line Apple, But when i get smoke its very small and some what a little harse. If you can help me i will glady give you a FREE sample of it and i will be a decent size too.
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alright what is your setup currently? i would recommend 2 coals if you arent getting enough smoke and care in managing heat. pack the bowl well, acclimate the shisha for 4 hours where you are going to smoke and keep on trying. its possible you may have a bad batch but i wouldnt think so with tangiers.i would love a free sample of tangiers.
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pack it tight and make it touch the foil. on the underside of the bowl where there is holes, stick a tooth pick or something and make a nice path to the foil without poking the foil underneath. this will give airpaths. Also tangiers tends to be a little harsh at first but once the whole bowl is heated it will give an even burn and it shouldnt be harsh. dont be afraid if its harsh right away. I have a feeling it has to do with the cut of the tobacco.
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With Tangiers you might need to pack the tobacco in the bowl a little more than you would do for some other kinds but keep air flow not obstructed.
Use natural coal or  processed natural charcoal (I use) Noor.
Make sure that coals are completely lit before you place them on the foil.
I use two layers of foil if the smoke tend to be harsh.
Make many small holes and a couple of big ones around the edges and another big hole in the middle for better air flow.
place 2-3 pieces depending on size on the foil.
Make sure hose is clean and dry.
Change water.
Use Ice in water will cool the smoke.
Send me a free sample of Tangier.
Keep sending me samples of Tangier.
Ask your friends to send me samples of Tangier.
On my birthday Aug 11, send me a mix sampler of Tangier.
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Gunsboy.thin and harsh usually means it has too little tobacco in it, if you've allowed for the muidity shock to stop. I designed the cut and size of the pieces so that you can basicallt take a glop, from how it sits in the bag or tub and put it in the bowl, spreading it out a slight bit and evening it out...it doesn't ned to be "Thinned out" in the bowl like other brands.
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Maybe the charcoal...I have tried a number of charcoals, with my tobacco, and I have never found one that didn't work...natural coals/reprocessed coals do tend to burn hotter. I recommend Japanese coals or gunpowder coals. I disagree, Tangiers smokes just as well as anything, in fact the way its designed allows bowls to be smoked longer...some bowls I will smoke for eight hours...and it produces thicker clouds in hours 4+ than it does when its new. Try changing the amount of tobacco you put in the bowl and maybe different coals. Let me know...I gotta go...my waffles ready!
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okay so i will give it another shot. Im using the three kings coal and what i may do it just let it sit on top for a bit then go to it and smoke. Maybe that could help.  Well I will try the Advice given and which ever one works will get a pm. again thanks people!
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SanguineSolitude djnick and Gunsboy (with proof of Age)
Will Receive a FREE SAMPLE! well, i've tried everyones idea, and i had Better luck with it! i mean the flavor got better and i got a little bit more smoke! not even harse! So just email your info and again THANKS! djbomberto@yahoo.com
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[quote name='steve07']I noticed that too the the longer you smoke Tangiers the thicker the smoke will be.[/quote]That is a humidity effect, when the tobacco is too dry for the air...try letting it acclimate some more.
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8 HOURS !!!!!!
God Bless your lungs ...
My maximum smoking session was about 5 hours ... I changed like 6 bowls of Nakhla and then almost died after that ...
I never tried Tangier.  I want to order some with my other orders but it is only worth it for me to order a big amount for shipping and handling because I live in Canada.  I usually spend around $200-300 on an order.
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Humidity shock is caused by the tobacco being too dry or to damp for the current air's humidity. When we leave it open to the air, the tobacco either dries out or moistens up...when the tobacco is too dry, it will smoke weakly and then pick up later.Wish I could insert a graph here.dj Bomberto...try adding more coal...the flavor will turn and get harsh, burny or sulphury if you add too much...you can then remove it, but you may still be light on charcoal.
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