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Need help with Tangiers

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So I got a few bags of Tangiers in on Friday, and I thought I had followed all the members' advice on preparing it. I had let it sit out for a few hours, I packed the bowl to the top, only used a single coal broken up, used ice in the base, etc., but the smoke was still thin and harsh. Anyone have any tips or advice for what I might be doing wrong?
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Did you just place the tobacco in the bowl? Don't spread it out or smush it down. This problem always has something to do with the way the bowl is packed and usually caused by people spreading the tobacco lightly through the bowl. Also, I recommend not leaving a gap between the tobacco and the foil. If you could post pictures, it might help.What brand do you normally smoke?No ice in the base....not that should matter.Try more charcoal...see what happens. Sometimes the smoke is thin and harsh for as much as ten minutes until the bowl's heat stablizes...that shouldn;t be a problem as much for a smaller bowl as yours.What type of bowl are you using?Did you clean your pipe out well? Tobaccos of different "bases" clash with each other...this is not very likely the problem.
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I'm used to smoking Al-Fahker, so I guess when I put it in I may have fluffed it a little, and then when I tried again packed it too much. I'm using a Mya ceramic bowl. And the hookah was freshly cleaned three days ago. There wasn't any gap between the foil and the tobacco. I'm going to try again and see what happens. Thanks for your help!
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No problem...you brought something to the front of my mind thats been in the back for awhile...I wonder if some bowls don't work as well as they should...composition, materials, construction...hmm...Keep it open for a day, don't be so eager to seal it up...leave the lid off...keep trying then, changing things and it will work out!
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Well, I'm letting it acclimate some more. I think the problem was that I had acclimated it to the air here, then went to Illinois and smoked it there. As I know more, I'll keep you posted.
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