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Oh, the Irony!

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oh my gawd, that's what happened to me with my first order, and i thought it was really funny that i was this total novice that had to become very discriminating so fast.  i actually noticed when i had one roll of coals left, and could only smoke for a while longer before i couldn't; i picked out my absolute favorites and set them aside. like sienfeld's 'sponge worthy',  i found out then that some shisha's are 'coal worthy' and some just aren't.
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aw man thats a bummer.break the 1 remaining coal into 2 peices, smoke away at your hearts content...or when the coal dies out, then you put the second peice on, carry on smoking. it should remain pretty thick smoke, with nice flavour and for a long amount of time.next : buy more coal!
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for me, it was the other way around.i had purchased everything i needed:coalswonderful shishaMYA hosemodded clay bowl (screen & lid combo)only thing was..i had ordered my QT the same dayand had sold my junior few days beforewhat's worse,having all the accessories, but no hookahor the hookah, but no accessories.@_@i'm just fine now though, :]
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