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Names of hookahs

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All of my friends, and myself, have named our hookahs.  I was curious if anyone else did and if so, waht did u name your hookah. 
Mine is Eden,  My friends' hookahs are named Orion, Odin, Goliath, Apollo
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Nice hose. I used to use them until I got down here where it's so humid, they seem to rot. But they give you a special feeling!
My machines are: Habibi, Said (sayeed), Omar, and Mustafa.
MR Bubble
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My three hose stargate I call Medusa. The first time I set it up and had all three hoses wrapped around the shaft the name struck me as perfect.I refer to the QT as the Nymph.My 27" MYA remains unnamed. Though there is already a theme in the names, so I figure it would be one to follow along.
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I have too many, we usually refer to them in terms of "the tall melon pipe" or "the blue kashmir pipe." etc.Yeah, boring.I knew I guy that named his swords...all girls names, except his halberd which was named Fred. He loved his swords. Yeah, creepy."What is your rifle's name, private?""Sir, the private's weapon's name is Charlene, sir!"
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I named my hookah Lily... So I can sing Lily by the Smashing Pumpkins to her... yeah, I'm a big SP fan. Also my hookah just strikes me as being a female.... Since it's a white base and a pink base protector (didn't want to spend $6 on a different color at SS).. But I like how it looks... Plus who else would I want my lips around other than a female?
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name a hookah? but why? i dont name other innanimate objects and i dont
see my hookah as a person. Its something that is used for a specific
purpose. I dont name my silverware, dinner plates, car, power tools,
etc. so why the hookah?

that said i think its cute that you have names for them, just not my bag...baby.
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[quote name='SanguineSolitude']I dont name my silverware, dinner plates, car, power tools, etc.[/quote]
I have a name for my car... lol. Just a way to have some off beat fun I suppose but it is silly... but hey, I'm a silly guy.
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