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New Hookah Owner Looking For Advice

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I just have bought a new Stratus hookah off of [url="http://www.shisha-hookah.com"]www.shisha-hookah.com[/url] and need some advice about buying different brands of shisha tabacco. My question is what companies put out the best tasting, smoking shisha. It sounds like a remedial question but I needed to ask it, to have the best smoking experience.  Thank you
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This question has been asked many times, try using the search feature.In general, the "top of the line brands" are Starbuzz and TangiersMiddle road, good smokers: Al Fakher, Layalina, Havana, and Al AmirCheaper tobaccos: Nakhla and Al WahaStay away in general from brands other than those.
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there are people who swear by every brand, and some who dislike most of them. its all a matter of trying it out. to begin i would stick to your al waha's nakhlas havanas and al fakhers. if youre new to it you wont appreciate how good the premiums are unless youve had the others and thus would be wasting your money.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the help everyone. I have been smoking shisha for about 4 years but just recently bought my own hookah so I can appreciate a good flavoured and thick smoking shisha to blow some "o's" with. Thanks again for the info on what not to buy.. Cheers
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i have tried starbuzz, havana, hookah-hookah, and tangiers.
The Tangiers had the most full and genuine flavors(based on the product description). From what i have experienced and read in a few posts(so someone with more experience, please correct me if i'm wrong) but they are much more..."sensitive" to heat. You have to get things just right to produce the most effective and flavorful smoke. Alot of my "first-timer" friends say the Tangier is a little "harsh".
Starbuzz - A great brand and the first Shisha i smoked. It has a great smoke density and is pretty "begginer friendly" since you can pretty just plop any coal on a somewhat lazy bowl pack and it will still smoke alright. The flavors of Starbuzz are less bold when compared to Tangiers. They can also be somewhat obscure. A few of the starbuzz flavors i have tried (particularly the exotic kiwi and vanilla) had little to no resemblance to the flavor designation on the tin
Havana - produced some very decent smoke and had an interesting flavor. I actually had my friend smoke his first hookah w/ a bowl of Havana Strawberry and his first reaction was "it tastes..well..like a strawberry cigar". The havana tends to be a little more "tobacco" tasting. Which is what some people prefer. I was very pleased with the Havana Rose in terms of flavor, but the smoke density and quality have been sub-par on the last few smokes.
Hookah-Hookah - I've only had two hookah-hookah bowls. The first was hookah-hookah apple. It was ok, i suppose. A very weak smoke and just not very flavorful. The second smoke i had was a double-bowl mix of Havana Orange and Hookah-Hookah pineapple. It was an interesting and very sweet flavor except hte orange of the Havana was much more predominant than the HH pineapple. This could just be the strong flavor associated w/ the orange or just the weakness of HH.
Based on those, i'd say get a 50g of some Havana and possibly a 50g of starbuzz in the same flavor. You will definately taste the difference. I would usually prefer starbuzz if it's a more social smoke w/ begginers, friends and people who aren't familar w/ Starbuzz. The Tangiers is reserved as the "top shelf" shisha reserved for personal smokes or some more experienced friends. The bottom line though, is just experiment and find what YOU like. Everyone has different tastes, and thats just fine.
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it really is all personal preferrence.  Try a bunch of brands out
and stick with what you like.  Some people are looking for flavor,
some for smoke density, some for buzz.  It all depends.  I
tend to keep a bunch of different types around just so I can switch it
up between, say, ring-blowing and getting buzzed.
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