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Romman Coals

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Does anyone else have problems lighting these? take a decent size coal (about the size of a 50cent peice) and hold it over the stove top for 5 minutes, taking it off a few times and blowing on it to made it red hot all on one side. Then I repeat. The other side for 5 minutes ect.. After about 10 minutes to light just 1 coal, i place it on hookah, 30 minutes later, the coal is black and not burning anymore... Am I doing something wrong to not lite it right or what? I must admit, these coals are better than quick lite ones, but i dont know if it is worth the time and effort just for them to burn out early. any help?
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I throw mine of the stove....... and flip em.
once the coals are at least 90% white on the surface (on the stovetop)... I can pretty much say that they have enough of themselves "lit up" enough to smolder out nicely without going out on me.
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