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Al Waha - After Nine and Pina Colada

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Disclaimers:- AW is my favorite brand.- I tend to like fruity flavors more than dark flavors, like coffee.  The exception to this is my favorite flavor - mint.- For the PC, I tried ice once again.- I use one big 3 kings coal instead of breaking them up or whatever.- I use foil, not a screen.- I use the windguard.- I hate very strong buzzes, like Nakhla.

After Nine

Cut: Standard AW.

Taste: Simply - the best I've ever had.  Like my favorite mint, but with the "tang" cut out of it with a delicious, smooth, sweet chocolate taste.

Smoke:  Very thick.  Perfect, really.

Buzz: The reason I love AW - sets in nice, fades fast.Only downside is that the room wreaked of chocolate for a while.10/10Pina Colada

Cut: Even more sticky than usual.  Smelled incredible, although I immediately noted a very strong pineapple, as opposed to coconut.

Taste: Not too good.  Maybe it was the pineapple's tartness, but not my thing.  More sour than sweet or smooth.

Smoke:  Well, I really need to listen to Tangiers.  Ice really does make these things suck.  Once the ice melted and the water warmed up a bit, it returned to the experience I'm used to.  Sweet puffy clouds.  :)

Buzz: I was a little turned off by the taste and wack ice smoke.  Oh well.
I wouldn't get this again.  Only way I think I'll try it again is with no ice, and mixed with a healthy(?) dose of coconut.  If I get to this experiment, I'll update the thread.2/10
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After Nine was one of my first smokes and I remember it being really tasty. Went over real well with the group I was smoking with too. I'd like to try it again being a little more experienced now. I'd also like to compare it to a Tangiers F-Line Cocoa + Tangiers Mint mix.
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I've smoked Nahkla's Chocolate Mint and really liked it but the intense buzz can be a little much. I kind of liked the chocolate smell it left in my room. My room smelled like chocolate for a little more than a day. But I want to try After Nine.
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[quote name='DownZero']My room smelled like chocolate for a little more than a day.[/quote]Yeah, I listed this as a potential disadvantage, but I didn't really mind it too much.  Hence, the 10/10 was still awarded.:)Also, I simply flushed the water and smoked pina colada the next night with no after taste, so it can't be too long-lasting.
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I thought after nine was really good for those who like chocolate mint. It was not overpowering and really smooth. I am not a big mint fan, but every so often I get the urge to smoke it.
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Damn, yos!  I caint even stop thinkin about the After Nine.  BEST EVER.I got another 6 flavors on the way, so more reviews to come.  If I can break off from my After Nine for a session. 
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so you don't suggest putting ice in the water? i thought this made for a cooler and less burn-in-the-throat experience. although recently i have started to put the base in a empty little trash bin with ice.
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[quote name='Yoner']so you don't suggest putting ice in the water? i thought this made for a cooler and less burn-in-the-throat experience. although recently i have started to put the base in a empty little trash bin with ice.
yoner[/quote]I had a hard time believing the urban myth that says that ice is good until I took T's advice and tried using very hot water.  As he says - try it.
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