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Tangiers: Pear

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This review is for Pear:

Cut: Bigger peices of tobacco and very moist, really nice quality.

Taste: Tastes like pear, I like the flavor and it is a strong pear flavor.  Unfortunatly there was this taste which I can only describe as something similar to the Anise flavor in Double Apple.  I could not smoke this for more than 10 or 15 minutes becuase it started making me sick.

Smoke:  Very very thick smoke for Tangiers.

Buzz: Fairly strong buzz.  Doesn't go away too quickly and a nice buzz

I really liked this flavor, but the anise kind of stuff killed me, I can't deal with it.3/5--Amichai Israeli
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I smoked pear shisha once at a cafe and did not like it, there was a faint taste, smoke was not very thick and no buzz at all... that experience kind of kept me from trying pear again... probably won't ever.  I can't really remember if I tasted anise but it wouldn't surprise me if pear did consist of anise.
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  • 2 weeks later...
thats very strange...because i just recently tried Tangiers pear and i had the exact same effect. I introduced one of my friends to it, he is an avid cigarette smoker so his lungs are well adapted to the "tobacco kick" that tangiers has as opposed to the candy smoke. Anyway, as he and i were smoking it...it started great with a very unique flavor but after about 15 minutes he just looks at me and says "this is starting to make me sick to my stomach" and he passed the hose to me. After about 5 more minutes i felt the same way and we couldn't even finish the bowl
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since were discussing it, how should the Tangiers smoke density be? I've acclimated the tobacco and finally worked out the heat to where it's not hot, or harsh and actually pulls very smoothly but i still can't get the billowing white smoke that comes from other brands. I exhale very thin, gray whisps that quickly dissipate into the atmosphere. I hear these great reviews about how thick and flavorful Tangiers is but i just can't seem to get it right
sorry for the separate posts, but i just now thought of this after the fact.
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Some bowls don't work as ell as they should with my tobacco, or to the pessimists, my tobacco doesn't want to work with some bowls. Additionally, if you keep your tobacco sealed in containers, you have to expect as the humidity changes, there are going to be some good days and bad days for smoking. I have also seen days, after the humidity went up, where the smoke was heavy and real hard and burning to the lungs from the nicotine the extra humidty was sucking out of the tobacco...it happens. Either keep your tubs slightly open (ajar) or acclimate before smoking...also, try a different bowl.
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