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Well, you would get more "smoke" because of the fog coming off the dry ice, but that's not actually more smoke. Also, dry ice is composed entirely of CO2 which would give you a buzz from lack of oxygen I suppose.  I doubt it is a good thing to do.
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Well, when you put dry ice into water it causes tons of condensation (ever seen a fog machine?).  Also, dry ice bombs are made by putting dry ice into a water bottle and putting the cap on, which is basically the same thing that you are doing when you put dry ice into a water-filled vase and put the stem on it.  I'm not sure if your hookah would explode, but I wouldn't try it.
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If you put dry ice in your hookah water it will produce more
smoke.  Unfortunately that smoke will be straight CO2 (carbon
dioxide).  Your buzz will be the result of a lack of oxygen in
your bloodstream (kind of like getting a buzz from putting a plastic
bag over your head).

What you have heard is true, but I wouldn't recommend it.
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[quote name='thepyrofish']Well, you would get more "smoke" because of the fog
coming off the dry ice, but that's not actually more smoke. Also, dry
ice is composed entirely of CO2 which would give you a buzz from lack
of oxygen I suppose.  I doubt it is a good thing to

You nipped this one in the bud.  Pyrofish is absolutely correct.
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i seen this thing at wal-mart were is was called Portable Ice Cubes. Well i looked like a Normal Limpstick, but it had water inside it which you froze. And it was priced around 1.99 for 5 of them. Trust me when i find them again im Most Deffinaltey going to buy it.  Never have to waste ice cubes again. 
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[quote name='djbomberto']i seen this thing at wal-mart were is was called Portable Ice Cubes. Well i looked like a Normal Limpstick, but it had water inside it which you froze. And it was priced around 1.99 for 5 of them. Trust me when i find them again iim Most Deffinaltey going to buy it.  Never have to waste ice cubes again. [/quote]I wanna try those, I bet they stay colder longer
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I have the re-useable ice cubes, and they work pretty well.  You
can get a big sack of them at bed bath and beyond for like $3 or $4.

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The dry ice is a terrible idea, imho, not because of health concerns but because you likely to damamge your hookah, dry ice evaporates in water causing gaseous expansion as mentioned above, and one of two things will happen, either your check valve will fail, or it will cause enoughpressure to actually push the water up through the down pipe and soak your tobacco, it may seem rediuclous but try lowing really hard on your hose and sure enough water bubbles out the top then think that dry ice in water can rupture a plastic gatorade bottle, now can you do that just by breathing hard into a gatorade bottle? Ergo theres plenty of pressure for this to happen.
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its always wise to ask the experts before doing something you have no
idea about. and as you can see it probably saved your hookah and your

i dont think it would actually smoke any more, i think you just would
have the condensed co2 smoke you see coming off dry ice on its own. it
would look like more smoke, but the amount of actuall tobacco smoke
wouldnt be affected. plus not getting enough oxygen is bad
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Adding more CO2 seems like a really BAD idea. You would probably get the worst hookah headache in your entire life. It also could be dangerous taking in that much CO2.
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Want to get a big ass buzz minus the CO2?? Take a huge hit blow it out
then imediately take another hit as if your breathing but instead of
inhaling air you keep inhaling smoke and exhaling smoke. Do this for 5
minutes and i gurantee you will have a huge buzz(assuming you dont pass
out haha) I doubt your hookah would explode from the dry ice because
its not entirely sealed but its a very idiotic idea. Its like those ppl
who use whippets the CO2 cartidges you buy at headshops and stuff you
inhale it and it gives you an insane buzz but its all due to lack of
oxygen which majoorrily kills brain cells, it can even kill you. Lack
of oxygen to the brain can also cause permanent brain damage. Brain
cells are the only cells in your body that dont reproduce, ive found
out the hard way by smoking a certain herbal supplement for the past 6
years haha.
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The high people get from whipped cream cans is not from CO2, but is instead due to  nitrous oxide (N2O) being used as a propellant.  N2O has anesthetic effects.  It's more commonly called "laughing gas" and is used by dentists (although in lesser concentrations, mixed with oxygen).But back to dry ice in a shisha, CO2 in high enough concentration to evaculate the oxygen from the air can be deadly.  Check Google or Wikipedia for the Lake Nyos disaster for a good example, where an entire village was wiped out by the rapid dissolution of CO2 from the lake.In other words: really bad idea.
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i have tried using milk (was said to thicken the smoke), i have tried fruit juice, i have tried wine, i have tried beer, even. nothing happened. the smoke doesnt absorb the flavor like you would think. to date, the only thing i have tried that works is ice, and even on that i am not sure.
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I don;t think Lake Nyos was CO2, I think it was something sulfury or hydrogeny. If I can make up words...I can't see how a simple asphyxiant gas could kill, considering more than two thirds of air is made up of asphyxiating gases (N2, CO2, Ar, Ne, Xe, Kr).
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Lake Nyos was carbon dioxide.  It wasn't actually the carbon
dioxide that killed the people, however, it was the lack of
oxygen.  Gaseous CO2 is very dense and therefore would fall to the
earth, which pushes the oxygen higher into the atmoshpere and thus out
of reach for people to breath.

Someone else can draw the conclusion on how this relates to dry ice in a hookah.
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Might kill you.And break your hookah. Dry ice is so cold that it makes the molecules in metal literally make a squeeling noise as the press together.
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