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help please major hooka problem

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ok so i bought this expensive new hooka from my local arab market ... glass vase twist on seal no suction problems ....it worked perfect for the first month... but now i cant smoke it anymore theres not even alot of smoke in the vase and it just stings when i try to take a breath of it i choke and theres not even that much smoke ... i dont know if im burning the tabacco too fast or if the metal is chipping off from the tube but its unsmokeable and i tried cleaning it and nothing helped please if you have any info help me out thanks lenny
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In the short term: people may advise using a damp paper towl as a hose gasket and simply placing tape over the holes on the check valve.  Test to see if you have a perfect seal, and then smoke. 
In the long term: go to a hardware store and find a ball bearing that will fit inside the valve stem, and order a couple new rubber hose gaskets from an online site (or at a local store if possible). 
I've never tried the damp paper towl method because I have about 20 gaskets laying aroud of various sizes so I always find a way to get an airtight hookah.  Always test your pipe's airtightness before smoking, as leaks can obviously have serious adverse effects.
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I have small leaks in the same places actually, but they haven't affected the smoke so much. A few months ago I tried using solder around the check valve, but the solder kept running down the hole Got it patched up somewhat... but had a nasty taste in the stem for a while. I remember someone on the forums suggested using a particular kind of liquid steel for patching leaks... I wish I could find the post because I was in Home Depot looking for the stuff today and couldn't exactly remember what to get.Maybe someone will know...
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the leak wouldnt explain the stinging in your throat. My suggestion if
wash your hookah really really really well with vinegar(or considering
how bad yours sounds with bleach[rinse well]) and buy some new tobacco
and see if that works. also fix the leaks. if that doesnt work you may
need a new hookah. doesnt sound good

i cant think of how charcoal could have this effect. if you were
burning the shisha too much there would be too much smoke not too
little. your tobacco hasnt gotten all dry has it? what kind of tobacco.

if metal is chipping off from the tube through that piece o crap away and invest in a good hookah like a mya or a socialsmoke
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I disagree. 
The leak can defintely cause a throat sting.  Essentially, leaks create a carburet effect that permits way too much smoke and/or air-smoke mix to enter the lungs (obviously not the nice gentle draw you normally get). It can sting bad.  I'm sure most of you have experienced this when inhaling from a multi-hose hookah and some jerk takes their thumb off their hose right in the middle of your draw and you get carb'ed.  You clear the vase quickly, and its usually accompanied by a little pain, or at least a not-so-pleasant feeling in your throat and lungs. 
Fix the leak and you should have a nice, smooth, non-stinging experience once again. 
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ooh i didnt think of that dude, i certainly have had that experience on
my friends multi hose. actually thats one of the reasons i will never
buy a multi hose hookah. and because i like traditional stuff
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If you can find some plastic airsoft pellets they work great and don't accumulate as much junk as fast as metal ball bearings.I have used JB Weld from Homedepot and it works really well.
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