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Best Tangiers Session Yet

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Loaded up some OG cocoa in my tiny-ass mod bowl the other day and it didn't turn out so well...I unfortunately don't have the magic for non-phunnel bowls anymore :(


Aluminum foil is INCREDIBLY pliable. So, I decided to make a phunnel inside my bowl. Smoking some of the same stuff right now and everything is going incredibly well. For those who have tried this, you probably know it works, but this post is more for the people who don't know about it.

(I realize that a real phunnel bowl is quite superior to this, but if you want to conserve tobacco or are waiting for your order, try this out)
Basically what I did was:

1.) Take a large square piece of HD foil and fold it twice into a smaller square, about the size of the square you would use to cover your bowl.

2.) Put your thumb or index finger in the middle of the square.

3.) Take your other hand and form the foil around your thumb or finger that's pressing in the middle of the square. The result should be a finger glove thing. This will form the phunnel hole.

4.) Turn the finger glove so it points toward the floor, then bend the outside foil (foil surrounding middle) back downward around the center. After this, you should be looking down at something that resembles a doughnut.

5.) Turn the doughnut so that the finger glove thing in the middle is now pointing upward. This should be looking more like the inside of a phunnel bowl where you place your tobacco.

6.) Place your sculpture in your bowl with the finger glove still pointing upwards. Bend outside foil around the outside of your bowl. The bowl should look like a phunnel bowl now, but with the phunnel hole (middle of foil) closed.

7.) Take an exacto knife and cut where your phunnel hole needs to be.

8.) Press tightly around the rim of the bowl and form your phunnel hole into the shape you want. Pack it. Cover it. Poke it like you would a phunnel. Smoke.

Might be making a vid soon if people request one. Again, if nearly everyone has done this already, then I'm a little behind haha.
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I faked the phunnel a bit in between having my first phunnel broken and finally getting around to replacing it. I used an old Mya bowl and the fake phunnel actually worked pretty well. Def a great way to try out a phunnel or use one on a budget. Congrats on the great Tangiers smoke.
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