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hot or cold?

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First off, I want to thank everyone on the forum. I've thought of myself as a hookah afficionado and relative expert, compared with my friends. But since I've joined this forum, and putting the search tool to extreme use (seriously, for those who are new, take it from a fellow newbie and use it). So thanks to all, for previous responses.
However, one thing that has recently been mentioned is using warm or hot water instead of cold water. I've always thought that colder was better, not the other way around. Can anyone explain why???
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Well it's all personal preference really.  I like my water cold as possible because I find it makes it smoother so I add ice to my base.  Some people may like the smoke to be a little warmer.In all actuality the temperature of the water doesn't do all that much to the smoke, I think people have done some tests.Try a few different setups and see which one you like the best.--Amichai Israeli
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Give Tangiers a pm. I'm not positive, but I think I remember him saying that using warmer water releases a lot more of the nicotine in the smoke as apposed to colder water (or vice versa, I can't recall).Aside from that, do what feels/tastes good.
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I always use warm water. I think it gives a smoother smoke because the temperature of the smoke and water are closer so there is better diffusion with the water. I get hasher smoke with really cold water.
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I never honestly thought that the warm water made a difference. I
usually use ice cubes with certain flavors, but sometimes I think the
coldness of the smoke actually hurts certains flavors. Thats just my
thing though.
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