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I was reading the box of my layalina sampler pack.. and it says .5 nicotene... havana has .05... any other brands have as high as .5?  That seems pretty high hah.. I hear naklah has a lot
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about the nic contents in the narghile's tobacco, it s dipend the variety of the tobacco, and the percentual of the tobacco.
the right balance (more or less) is 30%tobacco 40-45% inverted sugar, glycerin, flavour, umettant, and the remaining water.
about the percentual of the tobacco, the manufactured use to blend different types, as flue cured virginia burley, oriental  fron different area or origin , therefore the nic is different, but if you consider the percentul of the tobacco inside the blend, even if the nic content is 1,5% or more at the end the real nic content is low.
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cd62 sounds like he knows what he's talking about, but it sounds a bit unclear. I've heard in the past that one reason some brands have a .5 while others a .05 is due to the fact that some brands "wash" their tobacco, which ends up washing away some of the nicotine. This is most likely why when you smoke a brand such as Al Amir, it doesn't pack nearly as much of a punch as Nakhla does.
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