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1000grams of maaseL

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was depressed after I totalled my car, so I bought 1000grams of maasel, since I haven't smoked in forever.

you only live once, soo f**k it.

it only cost me 41.10$ shipped.

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Hey, that's a good idea. I've been looking for an excuse to load up.My dad and I were driving home from my college yesterday to celebrate my birthday, when traffic abruptly stopped (only in our lane). My dad drove into someone's jet ski, and I drove into my dad.I had a pretty good birthday though.And my hookah was in the car but didn't even crack.Anyway, enjoy, buddy.
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Hookah is the solution for every man's problems ...
If Israel's prime minister and Palestinian president smoked  hookah together, all problems would be solved.
If Bush smoked hookah with Ahmadi Najad USA and Iran would be doing business now.
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  • 7 months later...
hahah man you guys I cant believe this. I posted this shit a long time ago. its resurrected from the past. Anyways that was a sh*t load of tobacoo.

layalina makes prolly the best tobacco for the price.
The Nakhla (which i still have a tub of that shit) was dry, didn't really enjoy it compared to my favorite, the juicy Al Fakher (which translated = "the proud")

But, I really haven't been able to get ANY good smoke these days, I think i lost the ability sad.gif

anyways I'll share a few photos of my baby that was lost in lieu of prior events

spread the love

-Jacob Edited by jakescakes
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