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Review: Al Amir Sour Apple

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I enjoy this flavor a lot. Here's my thoughts on it:

Flavor: Nice and noticeable, without being overly strong or something you have
to hunt to find. It also responds well to different heat levels- I was using it
with both a normal coal amount (Nour finger-style) and the taste was nice, and
when I added a bit more coal the taste actually smoothed out, very nice. In
addition, there wasn't any of the anise flavor, which makes me happy, because I
feel like apple is a misrepresented flavor in hookah tobacco because of anise.

Smoke: Medium. The smoke was of nice texture, and with regular amounts of coal,
wasn't particularly thick. It got noticeably thicker with more coals, to the
point where it wasn't debilitatingly thick (but still slightly transparent, I'm
sure some of you love the ultra-thick opaque smoke). In my opinion, the ideal

Endurance: Flavor remained steady throughout the smoking session. I actually
had to stop smoking for a number of hours, but even after resuming the bowl,
the flavor and smoke were just as they were. I spent a good 45 minutes smoking
it, but since I was mostly by myself, I wasn't able to really finish the bowl,
per say. But the flavor was consistent.

Minor Gripe: The tobacco was so finely chopped up that I was afraid it would
just fall through the holes in the bowl. Luckily, it didn't, but it was
practially dust, which meant that I really had to sort of fluff it up before I
could put it in the bowl.

Overall, I would give this flavor a 4.5/5. This is coming from a fan of Sour Apple
flavored things in general, so if you don't like sour apple, take this with a
grain of salt.
Up Next: Nakhla Marguerita
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Oh snap, what it do Glottis. Nice to see you finally posting some here!Not that anyone cares, but Glottis is my homeboy. We used to smoke all the time together, but now his family moved away, and I hardly get to see him :( But he was passing through my part of CA a week or so ago, and he stopped by and smoked a bowl with me along with his girl. Glottis knows his stuff, so its nice to have another vet who can join in and add to the discussion.As for Amir's SA, I have to agree that its nice to have a good apple sans the anise. I too was a bit scurred when I first saw Amir's cut, but like you said, it holds up nicely and doesn't fall through the holes. I get a few specs that fall through every once in a while, but nothing major.I hope to see you posting more in your spare time.P.S. Beware of the margarita. It didn't turn out too well for me when I smoked it, but I hope you have a better experience with it :)
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Thanks guys. I was hoping I could sneak in with a review without having to go through the newbie hazing rituals, but I can see that I have been found out. But seriously, it's always nice to find a forum where the people on it seem like they have used the internet / talked to other people before, and since I will have lots of free time this summer, I should be posting some more in-depth analysis. Although, when its 120 degrees outside, it doesn't exactly make me want to light up some hot coals. We'll see. 
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Glottis, if you like the flavor of limes, you'll love the Marguerita. When I first opened mine it smelled like frozen lime-ade concentrate. The flavor is awesome (imho) just like it smells and the flavor lasts for the whole smoking session.
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i ordered some of this the other day and should get it this week. good
to hear people liked it since i didnt check before ordering. now im
looking forward to it even more. ill toss a review out when i get it.
Im also getting layalina raspberry and al waha cola so look for those
reviews as well.
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I did do a search.  I've got Starbuzz sour apple, but I was
wondering if AA sour apple was better.  I couldn't find anybody
who'd reviewed both sour apples and comparing two peoples' reviews
can't possibly be too accurate.  Thus the reason for my asking
anyone who's smoked both to compare them.

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