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Review tangiers Red tea

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Rating scale 1-5
Flavor: 4.6  Ok Tangiers what are you doing to me? I'm usually a cynical bastard and nothing is that good. Let me tell you people This smoke is good maybe it taste like tea and maybe not but this stuff is going to be my every day smoke. It's not fruity and not overly sweet. Those of you that like fruit flavor might not like this. It took me a long time to find the right cigar to be my everyday smoke, and it ook me a long time to find a shisha that I could call a everyday smoke. This is it.
Thickness of smoke: 3.8 Typical Tangiers enough to get dirty looks from the wife.
Resmokeability: 5.0 Yes, this stuff will keep my tobacco jars full. I also wonder if I could get a discount on Quantity. If not big deal this will alway get reordered when I get low. I my have to change my signature because of this stuff.
Total: 4.46 This stuff rocks. I am in no way affiliated with Tangiers
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I also love this flavor, very smooth and itruiging flavor, i find it does give that sortof warming affect on the inhale that a good sweet tea has, i'm now tea expert so i dunno if red tea is a sweet tea but nonetheless i second the recommendation
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