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King Moassel?

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Ok, so i tried to search like a good little doobie..and every time someone typed smoking, it came up so I'm just going to have to ask. Has anyone ever tried King Moassel?
[url="http://www.kingofhookah.com/Results.tpl?rnd=7932&cart=11502508847958161&category=5&startat=1"] http://www.kingofhookah.com/Results.tpl?rn...nd=7932&cart=11[/url] 502508847958161&category=5&startat=1
Well, i found some at a local shop. Picked up a box of the peach for $6.50.
It's honey based and unwashed. Says artificially flavoured. Its American made. Inside the tub is a plastic bag with a BALL of Ma'asell in it. I'll charge up my camera and post pictures in the morning.
Anyone ever tried this stuff?
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Is it me, or is kind of disturbing seeing the tobacco in a ball like that.. WHY A BALL?! heh.
But nah, I haven't smoked King... Although the container does look familiar - I may have seen it at a local shop or something.
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I took the plunge...check the review. They have a whole lot of strange flavours at the local market....
Anyone want a sample of the peach?
I actually have a 50g box of mouj al bahr mellon and a 50g box of cherry  I was sent by B&N way back when. Haven't ever tried them....
Dude: which flavours have you tried?
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ive tried the pineapple. It was okay, it gets smoke, but flavor is really fake. I mean it isnt terrible, but it isnt amazing either. With brands like starbuzz, tangiers, AF, AW etc there really isnt a point to getting it unless your on a budget, or if its the only thing you can find. But if anyone finds a flavor that stands out let me knwo, they go for $6 a pop here for 250g
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[quote name='mushrat']I actually have a 50g box of mouj al bahr mellon and a 50g box of cherry  I was sent by B&N way back when. Haven't ever tried them....
Dude: which flavours have you tried?[/quote]
The only Mouj al Bahr I've tried is sour apple.  To me it was more of a sweet non-anise apple with some very nice hints of lemon/lime.  I suppose the lemon addition was to recreate a "sour" taste.  All in all I enjoyed it quite a bit.  Very refreshing.  Especially since the run-of-the-mill apple gets pretty boring.
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