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Missing Forum People


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There are quite a few people that used to be regulars or at least semi-regulars that I haven't seen on here in forever. Well, some have poked their heads in from time to time, but not much. anyone know what happen to them?

Scalliwag - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/1501-scalliwag/
Scoop - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/2450-scoop/
tinyj316 - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/11408-tinyj316/
mint - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/20442-mint/
coastlines - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/20442-mint/
demonix - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/17946-demonix/
f22a4bandit - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/4543-f22a4bandit/
ashes87 - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/9259-ashes87/
Milk With Pulp - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/5502-milk-with-pulp/
FamiliarJoe - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/12072-familiarjoe/
Sonthert - http://www.hookahforum.com/user/754-sonthert/

I know I am missing lots of people, but these were just off the top of my head.

Actually, I don't recall seeing GNR in awhile either :( http://www.hookahforum.com/user/7472-giant-ninja-robot/
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Scalli is doing better from the last time I talked to but he's still doing Physical Therapy from that wood accident last year. He's not smoking much just taking it easy.

Eric... I know he has been super busy and internet problems lately. Not even on much on his forum.
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can't say much about most, but i'm thinking the few like coastlines or Neha (mint)....it was more of a phase or something (maybe not so much hookah, but at least surfing the forums)

i do wish Josh would pop his head in here more often....

also, i've noticed lowspeedchase has been missing for quite a bit....he did make a couple posts recently though...
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Some people come and go... They're cool people, and we hate to see them not on as much, but such is life... I can't imagine it right now, but I'm sure there'll be a time where I'm not on as much, and then eventually I'll fade from existence....
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I asked Eric (Sonthert) last night why he hasn't been on much. And I happend to be trying to get an internet signal in his lounge while I asked. And he goes "Are you getting on." and I wasn't getting a signal and he goes "Thats why I haven't been on much." and like Stuie said, he's been busy.
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[quote name='ryno' date='19 April 2010 - 01:05 AM' timestamp='1271653523' post='464217']
I still wonder what happened to our rockstar friend Snoopy.

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Well, I think snoopy got a real life and didnt have much time to play.

This is what happens on forums like this. I could go back a few more years and list people who used to be on all day who y'all wouldn't even recognise.

So day I hope to be a distant memory. ;)
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i've seen that happen on many types of forums as well. die hards disappear and then reappear after months or even years. it could be for any number of reasons, mainly just life taking you away from the keyboard for a bit. some lose interest in the hobby altogether and leave, some will lose interest in the hobby but stay because they could just have an addiction to the forum.

i used to lurk at a dodge viper forum for 2 years when i had a dodge viper. the day i sold it was a bit sad for me (in a materialistic and selfish sort of way, i was completely over it after a day) was the last time i could bear to log on to the viper forum.

it's always pleasant to see old members pop in.

i can assure you sonthert is fine too, just a busy man.
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Im still lurking, but have been dealing with a lot of family problems, internet dying, and research papers.

Im working on being more active, but have been dealing a lot of crap on my plate, but everything is slowly getting back in order, and soon, I will be a post whore!!
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[quote name='mushrat' date='20 April 2010 - 08:08 AM' timestamp='1271768903' post='464384']
well..good so see y'all are still out there!

now we need to hear from ZooJohnnyZETA, ahwahoo2006, ApoC, and cypress. :)

holy shit, I actually remember ApoC
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last we heard from Cypress he was monitoring offshore pipelines in the gulf of Mexico right before the hurricane destroyed New Orleans and everything around it. Ill have t dig up his e-mail just to make sure he is ok...
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[quote name='mushrat' date='20 April 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1271768903' post='464384']now we need to hear from ZooJohnnyZETA, ahwahoo2006, ApoC, and cypress. :)

ahwahoo is still smoking, i hang out with him on occasion. zildjian is another one who isnt on the forums anymore but still smokes, i know cause he lives with me now.
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I know I havent been around lately much, and last week, the motherboard on my laptop went out, so that really sucked.

Was able to get my dads laptop repaired because the hard drive had gone out on his, but I hadnt had time to do it, but I now have a working laptop again!!!

As soon as finals are over with next week, I will be back full force.

Im tired of life getting in the way of my video games and internet use.
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i feel ya, ash....

i may be going MIA for a while too....picked up BFBC2 and even though it's frustrating as all hell....i can't stop playing it!
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