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Mutated blueberries?

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Answer me this: does this picture look familiar? (hint: pretend you can only see in black and white)[url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/1791/848big9um.jpg[/img][/url]Also, they call blackberries "black berries" as well. Some kind of language barrier, I suppose.
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[quote name='NEO_WRX']i think it's just a matter of saving money on advertising. It's much easier to take a berry from an existing label and color it blue than design and print a brand new one that has an actual blue berry on it.[/quote]Sure, that makes sense, but keep in mind the fact that they have many other unique pictures on the labels of their tobacco, so I would imagine that whatever photo-gathering methods they have in place are relatively efficient. I guess this flavor was just an afterthought, or perhaps all the blueberries they could find to photograph were nasty.
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Yeah, they seem to have had no problem finding correct pictures for their other 2 million flavors.  Seems like there's an advantage to presenting a product properly that outweighs an advantage in terms of cost-saving picture reuse.
But again, maybe this flavor isn't Blueberry, but is in fact, just some kind of blue berry.
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God I love blueberry flavors. Tangiers nailed it on the nose in terms of accuracy. I might have to pick up a tub of this mutant flavor next time I have a chance. I could care less what the picture looks like, as long as I get my blueberrys ;)
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[quote name='NEO_WRX']i think it's just a matter of saving money on advertising. It's much easier to take a berry from an existing label and color it blue than design and print a brand new one that has an actual blue berry on it.[/quote]This doesn't save them any money. They'd still have a guy photoshop it blue and still have to print and label them. Unless...they are actually colors by some guy on the assebly line with a blue marker, that'd be hilarious. I'm guessing they are just stupid or really don't know what blueberries look like or think we are stupid.Blue raspberry is an actual common flavor....maybe that's what they were going for, even though they don't exist.
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Unfortunately, Al Amir has not started making the 50g in blueberry
yet. I believe we got in a total of 24 flavors for now in the cartons/50g
packs. The reason there are more flavors in the boxes than the jars is that the
boxes are the new packaging for Al Amir 50g which replaces the 8 flavors they
originally made in 50g jars.

We all got a laugh in the warehouse the first time we saw the blue colored raspberries
pictured on the blueberry jar. The picture is supposed to be of blueberries for
sure, not blue raspberries like what actually made it on the label.
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[quote name='cymptom']This thread made me realize I should try mixing Tangiers Blueberry and Raspberry....   Ok, so tonight's smoke is decided...[/quote] Huh, never thought of that either. Think I'll give that a shot tonight as well.
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