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Excuse the subject line, but I wasn't sure how to prevent this from looking like another "not enough flavor" or "El Nakhla review" thread...
I got myself another big load of El Nakhla, which is my favorite brand so far. I take care not to let the coals (Three Kings) get too close to the tobacco, tried puncture holes underneath the coal as well as surrounding it, using the coals when greyed out as well as only just burning...
So far I'm only getting a subtle hint of flavor where it used to be an overwhelming BURST! Also, regardless of how burned the coals are, I keep getting various degrees of a burnt taste. The tobacco seems to run out/cook up pretty quick as well, even with varying bowl "heights"...
Any ideas? (if it's any help, I'm using a MYA Cosmos...)
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only thing i can think of is you might have gotten a bad batch of nakhla ... try smoking some other moassel in it like al fakher, if it doesnt help maybe you should clean it out that worked for me run it all under hot water brush the insides change water after every use ... i guess that should do it ... see if that helps
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Yeah, I've gotten a few bad batches before.  A few months ago I bought a tub of "Golden" Al Fakher melon from Social Smoke, and it was entirely flavorless except for a stale tobacco taste.  I tried to resuscitate it as best I could, but ended up having to throw the whole thing out. Bought reg AF melon from Hookahcompany.com and it was back to all that canteloupy flavor I love. You might have to just get some new shisha. 
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Where do you guys get bad batches from? Shisha has a very long shelf-life. I have seen some Nahkla that was almost as dry as ciggarette tobacco and it smoked just fine. I think your only problem is a very dirty hookah. Make sure you clean your shaft out really good with a brush and lots of hot water. When you are done smoking for the night unplug your hose blow it out and hang them up until you use them again.
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