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Would you prefer to sit...

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Regardless if it's couches or chairs, I would say that you would want
something with people facing each other (think circle).. smoking hookah
is all about socializing and philosophizing (is that a word?
) I would say comfortable chairs in a loose circle around
a hookah on a floor near a coffee/end table..   make for the
easiest hookah access and setup, yet also allows for the best
face-to-face conversation with whomever you are smoking with
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More of a padded bench than an actual couch or futon... something that you could sit on and be cozy with the gf, but you don't sink into it like a couch.  I don't like low, big-coushined couches that make me feel trapped in it once I sit down.  Could have the benches against the wall facing little tables (for drinks) with a chairs on the other side of the table.
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I love the individual papasan type chairs.  That's what i've been smoking at the semi-local hookah bar and it's great cause you can sit forward or lean back and just chill and enjoy the experience
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Couches would be best, but take up much more space. Maybe you could set up a few couches in select locations, and the rest just chairs. The couches would be first come first serve, and the chairs should hopefully be compfy chairs atleast, with padding. The few lounges I've been to had pretty stiff, uncomfortable chairs...
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I would go with Some sort of padded chairs.. to have the comfy arm rests and be able to easily move the chairs as needed to access the hookah and position yourself w/ friends. At least something better than lawn chairs. Thats what the local bar here has.. just regular stackable, plastic lawn chairs. But for a "intimate" time w/ a significant other, a couch.
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hey yeah, beanbags!couches are nice, placed in an L or U formation around a low table. If the chair thing, make sure they are comfortable. But then you'd need a regular table so you don't feel weird just sitting in a chair with nothing in front of you.i'd perfer a lazyboy, that would be awesome.
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Thanks folks!
I'm leaning toward couches arranged around a low table.
To be honest, I was originaly thinking futons, they are lower and easier to relax into...


But since the majority of you are in favor of couches..I guess I'd better start looking at those too.
Keep the comments coming though.....
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Oh man those are nice looking.Futons work fine.At the place I went to they had crummy looking couches (used) and they wern't that comfortable. Basically I think they just looked through the paper finding people giving away couches and went and picked them up.You could do that too as long as they arn't too love-stained.
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Cool, thinking of couches/futons around the outer perimeter, regular table and chairs in the center area...
Going to serve sandwiches and platters so we're looking for a regular non-smoking lunch crowd during the day as well as folks in for a smoke. So we need a place for them to sit. Also some folks might like to sit in a real chair to drink and eat.
Considering using primarily QT's with some traditional hookahs availible. I say this because they are low and stable, less likely to be tipped over or stepped on by customers who have been drinking. Alos less likely to be pulled over when someone yanks on a hose. They look nice and smoke VERY well.
I guess I could post the preliminary menu...
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