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[quote name='Hookah Pimp']I didn’t get in this business to make money. I got in it to spread the hookah movement and it shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to get a good hookah experience.http://www.pimpyourhookah.com[/quote]Yeah, that's definitely the most hilarious thing I've read all week.
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Well, I sell hookahs, and some accessories retail to the street (not online) for 30-40% above cost too. Lower cost items I mark up like 3-5 dollars (which might be a 70-100% markup). Of course, I am operating on the principal "if you want to sell them lamps, give them light bulbs." or actually, the reverse give them cheap lamps to sell them light bulbs...anywhooo...what's so absurd about Hookah Pimp's statement? I agree with it, I share it. If that's his sentiment, so be it. Too many retailers charge absurd amounts of money for crapola. His prices seem awfully reasonable. Honestly, his prices are cheaper...I don't think he is paying the best price for things, but a 35% markup seems to be exactly what he is getting. His site's security certificate was rejected by security program, but who's perfect?A month ago, nobody wanted to hear from Elite...er enema...enima...now people seem to be in love with his site...maybe we should give Sr. Pimp a break IF he makes nice with everyone.
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[quote name='Catalyst Paintball']Sorry, I was not very clear.I looking for JUST the hose. Is that even available to buy?[/quote]
I don't think he's looking for the finished product, just the hose part.
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