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Hookah innovators / engineers: Idea

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Electric heaters don't work well, from what I understand. My engineering analysis would suggest that the control problems would create an underdamped system, ie it would run too cold and then too hot since the delay between twisting the knob and increasing heat (decreasing) would be slow.In practice, from what I read, they tend to burn to hot and then too cold, confirming my engineering analysis...engineering wins again!
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It's a shame that Tangiers is right and electric heaters don't work well, yet. The advantages would be immense - no ash, no having to burn coals (which may improve the healthiness of it, as well as be less annoying)How about heatpipes? We could use those, for sure. I'm talking about the kind of heatpipe in [url="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16835106056"]here[/url] (nerd alert). You could have a small copper box near the top of the hookah, which would run heatpipes into a coiled shape right above the bowl. You'd put coals in the box, then take them out if it got too hot.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Exactly. Radiative and convective heat transfers suck.
Thats why if you leave gaps between the tobacco and the bowl, it
doesn't smoke as well.[/quote]

Is that why you advocate direct contact between foil and tobacco?
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As far as I know, the advantage (or disadvantage, depending on your
POV) of having the foil touch your tobacco is that the tobacco is being
heated constantly, even when air is not being pulled through. If there
is a gap, this is not the case, because air isn't good enough of a heat
conductor to continually keep the tobacco hot like a coal can. 

[quote name='Alqoshnia']well since the m'assel should be "cooked" rather than "burned", would having some kind of coil embedded into the bowl work? can it get hot enough to cook and not ruin the bowl itself??[/quote]This would probably work, but another aspect of what is causing the whole smoke effect is that the coals are heating the air around them, and if you are pulling in at a reasonable rate, that air will be hot enough to create smoke. You could certainly make a bowl of porcelain or some kind of ceramic that could withstand that kind of heat.
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ok, here is a different take on this idea... instead of burning the coals on top of the bowl, burn the coals under the bowl. the main objective of the coals are to heat the bowl so that the tobacco can smoke. If another tray (small in size) was placed between the bowl and the coal tray. The heat would rise (naturally) and heat the bowl evenly. I think the idea related to adjusting the position is not applicable in this situation since shisha burns fine when the coals are put at the same level the whole smoke session normally. Note: this setup would be based upon the current setup, only differing in that, the coals would me below the bowl, resting on a small tray above the coal catcher.
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I think the problem with heating only the bowl is that every time you breathe in, you are drawing in cold air that would basically put out the flame. Or maybe not, what do I know. We should actually try some of this stuff.
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Yeh, exactly, Ain Soph Aur.The problem with the coal on the bottom is the ceramic material you are heating is a thermal insulator...once it gets hot, it stays hot...foil cools off much faster. So, heating the bowl is problematic, if/when you overheat it, the cooling off response is going to be way too slow, making a more poorly controlled system.
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