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Alright, I'm gonna be perhaps the first to talk down on this machine a bit. It's a gorgeous piece, incredibly solid construction... but mine has its problems, enough to make me switch back to using my cheap old Egyptian. 1) The first issue has been rather thoroughly discussed on the forums before but I'll mention it anyway -- the loose bowl grommet connection. Myasaray have stated that they will be manufacturing a thicker grommet, and that until then they are willing to send out extra grommets to double up as a temporary solution. But before I could even take them up on that offer, our man Mushrat was kind enough to send me an extra grommet. Mad props to you Mush, you're the man. I have no problem getting a tight seal now.2) Part of the reason I went with the S-Class stem is that when it was first introduced on the forums, I believe Mahmoud said that it would be easier to clean than the other models. I've never used any of the other models so I can't make a comparison, but I've found the S-Class stem to be rather difficult to clean thoroughly. As opposed to there being a single tube running straight from top to bottom, the top half of the stem which bulges out actually seems to be hollow space. Because of this, my cleaning brush doesn't make much contact with the inside of the stem and can't efficiently scrape the junk out. In addition, it's rare that I'll be able to line up the brush in such a way that it will go straight through the stem -- if I want to clean the bottom half of the stem, I usually can't go in through the top. The brush frequently hits obstructions within the stem or gets stuck. 3) It is impossible to even half-way clear the vase using the check valve. Blowing through the hose clears only the smoke from inside the hose and what little smoke is in the very top of the stem. I don't know what causes this or how it could be fixed, but the fact stands that the check valve has very little functionality. When I want to clear the vase, I take the bowl off and inhale through the hose. Yes this is a rather minor gripe, but hey, someone has to point out this stuff.4) Now this is less specific because I have no idea what is causing this, but everything I smoke out of my QT lately tastes very musty, like an old box of Christmas decorations. And it's not just taste -- the smoke leaves a strange texture in my mouth, almost as though there is a very fine powder or dust mixed in with the smoke. Since this issue has come up, my lungs haven't been feeling so great either. Lots of coughing.I tried giving all of my hardware a good cleaning -- as thorough as I could -- but the problem is still there. I have tried using different hoses, different bowls, different tobacco, different coal, and the issue persists, meaning that the problem must be with the stem itself. I tried transferring the bowl and coals mid-smoke to my Egyptian and viola, the smoke was fine. So what could be wrong here? This problem started as soon as I got back from a 6 day vacation to Florida and began using the extra grommet to tighten up the seal on the bowl. Before leaving for Florida I cleaned out the stem and left it in the empty vase -- it couldn't have rusted inside, could it? It has also crossed my mind that because I'm using two grommets for the bowl connection, too much rubber is being heated and is releasing some kind of chemical. But that wouldn't make sense -- using two grommets, the rubber actually enters the bowl less than it would if I were only using one.I really don't know what the problem could be. The musty taste and unpleasant texture starts off suble but noticable, and within 5-10 minutes worsens to a point at which I contemplate quitting hookah forever During my first smoke after vacation, some larger particles were coming up through the hose. My brother choked on one so we decided to stop, and the next day I cleaned the stem and hose again. Haven't had any large particles since, but this musty dusty texture is even worse if you ask me... Again, it can't be a bad hose -- I tried using my other hose and had the same problem. Anyone have any idea what this could be? I wish I could give the stem a better cleaning, but the best I can do is shake around some rubbing alcohol in there and try to clean what I can with the brush.Well until I find a solution, I'll probably go back to my old Egyptian. My lungs are getting real tired of putzin around with the musty QT
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Sorry to double post -- I posted these pictures in another thread and thought they might be helpful here as well:[img]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/cymptom/IMG_2840-.jpg[/img][img]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/cymptom/sc.jpg[/img]
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Cym, I also own an S-Class QT. To be quite honest, I've not a clue as to how the particle-infused smoke is possible. I've noticed the bowl and grommet being somewhat loose before, but all I would have to do is just push down a little firmer than usual, and it stays. Its never come loose during smoking, nor is it a chronic problem. As mentioned above, I have no idea how you are getting a bad smoke from the QT.If I have any, ANY complaints about the QT....hmmmm......hmmmmmmm.....thinking......maybe the grommet within the stem, where you put the hose in, sometimes go farther in. But then again, its not hard at all to just take it out, put it on the hose insert itself, and go at it.Oh, almost forgot. The coal catcher. It doesn't fit that well on the top, and I have to put it on before I put on the grommet. Even then, its not that big, and if I leave a coal in it, the bowl gets SUPER hot.But seriously, these are all little triflings compared to the ease that I smoke with this thing. Clean, fill water, pack, punch holes, light, SMOKE! So easy, so good.Yoner
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Yeah, without using a second grommet I could sometimes get a decent seal by just pushing down a little harder. But most of the time it won't stay tight for long.I agree about the tray, I forgot to mention that actually. If you leave a coal in the tray, not only does it make the bowl very hot, but if you're using two grommets, chances are they will be exposed beneath the bowl and vulnerable to the direct heat of the charcoal. I hear you though, it's definitely a sweet machine when it's working right. I enjoyed the same easy smoke when I first got it, but until I figure out what's wrong....
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Hate to double post again, but... I don't know, I think the musty taste problem may actually just be the coals. Anyone ever get a bad batch of Three Kings? I fired up a bowl of Tangiers Raspberry in my Egyptian using one 33mm Three Kings and still got some of that musty taste, although it wasn't as bad as it was with the QT. Ditched the Three Kings, lit up two Japanese Goldens and the mustiness seemed to dissipate although it still lingered around a bit. I'll do some more experimenting tomorrow, but I don't know, I think I may have gotten a bad batch of Three Kings. Actually, I noticed that they have a slightly different shape -- there is a concave indentation on the top of the coal that definitely was not there before. Anyone else notice a change in Three Kings lately? I didn't even know it was possible to get a bad batch of coals...Oh well... maybe I'll have to start looking for a new quicklight coal Still not 100% sure that this is the problem, but tomorrow I'll try the Japanese Goldens with the QT and see how it goes.
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I have been using Nour Fingers lately and switched back to my normal golden QL (just like 3 kings) and it tasted bad.I think the Natural coals are the way to go.BTW 3 kings makes two sizes and I think they get confused with 3 queens too. Could be other knock-offs but i don't know.
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My QT is the C-class, ordered from Hookah-shisha, and my bowl-to-stem seal was perfect, so no complaints from me there..
I would agree about cleaning the inside of the stem.  I actually have a slightly larger brush with softer bristles from my other hobby, homebrewing beer, that works great for cleaning the inside of the QT stem...
I haven't notice ANY off-flavors from smoking the QT; I use Goldens.  I have, however, had similar issues to what you describe as that funky flavor, when I've tried 3 Kings in the past.
Yeah, the tray is small, but I think any bigger and it would look odd on the little bugger.
Check valve seems to work; never really noticed if I could clear the whole bowl or not, but it works great and plenty enough to clear out any stale smoke..
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Well, I'm currently smoking a bowl of Tangiers Grape in the QT using the Japanese Goldens, and the musty taste is gone. Guess that confirms it -- I got a crappy batch of Three Kings. Damn.... what am I gonna do with this whole box? I'll probably end up using them to light my naturals As far as I can tell, they are geniune Three Kings. Ordered from HookahCompany, same place I got my last box. Box looks the same, says Three Kings in 4 languages, and has the three crowns. The shape of the coal is definitely different though -- like I said before, they have an indentation on the top. Watch out for these guys... the taste is unbearable and it lingers in the bowl, stem and hose. Stinks up the room, too. My apologies to all for blaming this taste on the QT. QT and I have made up and are happily in love again...I've found a way of getting around the check valve issue too -- to efficiently clear the vase of stale smoke, blow through the hose, take a small mouth puff, blow through the hose, repeat...
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Glad to hear that you just got a bad batch of coal. I just purchased a S-Class and I'm very pleased with it. This is only the second hookah I've ever smoked from, but it hits a lot better than the first one I tried.
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Alas..the check valve issue is the ONE and only problem i've had with my QT. It does not always clear out the vase as easily as I'd like. I end up doing what cymptom does. Which is no big deal. 
Last night i went to blow out my vase and the ball was a little gummed up and stuck (no fault of the hookah, people forget to clean the ball sometimes when they do the rest of the hookah) and it shot water right up through the bowl...
So remember..clean your balls regularly.....
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A friend of mine also has a QT but the threads on his check valve is stuck so you can't get the ball out. I told him to contact Mya Saray and they'd probably send him a replacement part, but he hasn't bothered. Mine doesn't have a problem.
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The valve threads on my QT got stuck once, and I ended up taking out the whole valve assembly instead of just taking the little cover off...scared me a bit.  First hookah I have ever owned and I just didn't realise that everything could be unscrewed.  Makes perfect sense, but you have to discover it somehow.All I did was run it under hot water and it came apart.  Plug the sink so you don't lose the bearing.  I'm very careful not to overtighten it now.
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