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I got in trouble...

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A funny thing happened on the way to the hookah forum...

Long story short (I'll do the best I can to save anyone any
embarrassment) I got a telephone call from one of my suppliers who was
concerned because my prices were too low, I'm not kidding.  I don't know if other retailers are upset or what the problem is.

Unfortunately I'm not big enough to fight the man yet.  So, I've
got 5 MYA QTs left that I can sell for our moving sale price of
$33.  After that I'll have to bump the price up to a respectable
level and start playing the "free crap" game to stay competitive.

If anyone has any input as to what "free" accessories you would like to
see come with a MYA QT, let me know.  I also think a free shipping
deal or something might be good... as always, I'm open to suggestion.
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By the way (while I'm at it) we added strawberry and melon to our
available flavors of Havana tobacco as well as a few 50g package deals.

Please note that our 50g package(sampler) deals come with either 6 or
12 boxes as oppose to the traditional 5 or 10.  If the prices
don't seem that much lower it's because you are actually getting more.

Stick with us, we're growing and we'll get to your flavor/brand/hookah soon.

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as far as hookah markup, no one holds a candle to the death industry. there is about a 1000% markup on coffins. there are some funeral directors that would put enron to shame...
for me? a freebie sell would be some screens, or free samples on some tobacco. thats basically all i buy anyway.
this is a bit off topic, but the talk of discounts reminded me of this- there was a car audio store (retailer, installation, that sort of thing) that GUARANTEED their products to violate the loud noise ordnances of hamilton county, and if you bring in a citation, you get a 10% discount (or some such). i thought that was awesome.
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Definitely a deal on shipping... I noticed that your shipping rate is $12 for a hookah while at SS or Hookah-Shisha it's around $6-8.. I got my 34" hookah w/ it's "freebies", extra bowl and tobacco from SS and was shipped for no more than $8...
Also some 50g samples w/ a hookah is good... or a buy one QT at regular price and get another QT FREE!... hah. I'm sure that will go over well w/ the supplier.
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[quote name='DownZero']I got my 34" hookah w/ it's "freebies", extra bowl and tobacco from SS and was shipped for no more than $8...[/quote] Whaa? I just bought a hookah for a friend who was moving away from SS, along with a box of coal and some extra shisha, and shipping cost me $25. I envy you, my friend.
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yeah............ wonder who did that. (sarcasm)
I have noticed that there has been only a gap of a few dollars on th price of those things... there is a reason you have been compelled to raise your price.
When the price stays stays up, some sort of transparent "product integrity" stays in place. Im sure the manufacturer would not care to be approached with any further discounts on orders.
hilarious really. Dont think there isnt price fixing in this market.
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That's adamn shame. I really didn't think that there was such a fix in
hookah prices. Oh well. I still am fighting to stop myself from buying
a QT as my old hookah still works fine. >_>

Oh and everyone loves free shisha and screens.
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I know this seems kinda unrealistic, but I would like to CHOOSE the freebies I want. Here's my problem: I have 7 hookahs. I will probably find another shiny one I like somewhere down the line, or need to replace one of the ones I already own. As you can probably guess, I already have a metric f**kton of freebies. Tongs, screens, mouthtips, windscreens, etc, etc, etc. About the only freebie I really like anymore is the shisha. SO, how about giving the option to substitute a few of the cheapy freebies for an extra box of tobacco. Or maybe set up some hookah packages for people who have been smoking for a while or do not want all the extra stuff, just the hookah and the tobacco. OR, sell hookahs all by themselves, and with every hookah purchase, give a $25 accessory credit for your shop so that the customer can pick the free sh*t. Ok, I'll stop now. I'm rambling.
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ioannisds idea makes me
tingles inside. >_> Though I WOULD like a Tshirt without a huge
ad on the back. It seems like hookah retailers like to turn people into
billboards. Big Big billboards. 
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rob... go to a music store.and yes, I would LOVE hookah t-shirts that didn't have huge ads on the back...  but yeah, shisha and coals are ALWAYS good
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I dont think i would mind a tshirt with a logo on the back. If you think about it, your getting a free shirt. If i were a business owner, i would put logos on the back because i want to get my name out and if i were paying for a free shirt, it would deffantally have some form of promotion.
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Hmmm, a lot of good suggestions.  As I said before I am going to
keep these prices until the end of our moving sale, so if all you want
is a great deal on a hookah this is probably your best bet.

Thanks for all of the suggestions.  I think I'll try and give you
the options.  I'll put in a pull down bar that allows the customer
to choose whether they want free tobacco, t-shirt, etc.

In fact, let's start the free t-shirt deal right now.  If you
decide to order, when you get to the "comments" section of the order
form just type in "Hookah Forum - (your t-shirt size)".  Right now
it will just be the logo'd shirts we sell, but they're pretty sweet
looking. [url="http://www.elitehookah.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=55"] http://www.elitehookah.com/catalog/product...fo.php?cPath=24[/url] &products_id=55.
They've got the EH logo on the front.  I'll look into getting some more, general hookah shirts made.
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