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Tangiers F-Line

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Has anyone tried Tangiers F-Line while doing work? I was wondering how much of a kick you get from smoking caffeinated shisha. I don't know the heat of vaporization of caffeine, but if I can smoke, like say an equivalent to a can of cola, it might be helpful in my studies at college.
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Well, I do know that after I smoked a bowl of it at lunch on Tuesday, I got more done in two hours after I got back to work than I had gotten done all last week. It was a weird feeling of "must get stuff done". That never happens, I'm a lazy bastard.
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Caffine is actually much more potent when inhaled a vapor than ingested as a liquid (apparantly alchohol is the same way).I bought some Tangiers F-line apple a while back and reviewed it on the forum. Some folks complain the caffine wasn't strong enough, however I drink a metric butt-load of caffine on a daily basis and it gave me an extremely strong kick for about 45 minutes.[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=3144&KW=Tangiers+F%2Dline"] http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=3144&KW[/url] =Tangiers+F%2Dline
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