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Free samples thread

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Free samples!!!The first five people to respond to this thread get free samples.To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:1. You have to have a hookah of your own2. You must be 18+ years old, with legal ID.3. You cannot have received free stuff from Tangiers before.4. You must have an address in the USA.5. You cannot work for or own any company involved in the sale, distribution or manufacturing of hookahs, hookah tobacco or hookah related accesories.Other restrictions may apply.
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ah.... missed out again...
one of these days perhaps... wished some of the folks that I do buy/order from carried your tobacco.
I tried ordering some once.... but they switched it out for Al-Amir. DOH!
Perhaps SS or one of the shops in DFW will carry it at some point.
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damn.. missed it.. I knew I shouldn't have listed to the wife and gone to bed early.
I agree with Lakemonster; social smoke needs to start carrying tangiers.  I need to try this stuff
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If you've never gotten samples from Tangiers before, be prepared - he sends a LOT of tobacco. I didn't like every flavor he sent me (which is to be expected - samples are for trying out flavors to see if you like them), but it did introduce me to pear which I ran through in no time and had to buy more. Hell, he even sent me one of his big bowls (key to a good Tangiers smoke) free of charge. If you don't have one, and you like Tangiers tobacco, you need to get one.Tangiers is top notch, and he sure knows how to make permanent customers I actually don't think I've smoked anything BUT Tangiers this week. I just got in some F-Line red tea and some Kashmir peach on Tuesday. The Kashmir peach is very unusual, and I don't think it has grown on me yet, but that red tea is awesome.
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Ok... which bowls are the tangiers bowls?  I want to buy one with my next paycheck *a week from monday*... Too bad I'll have to wait till two weeks from that to hope that I have enough to try to get some of his tobacco too :P
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Hmmm... holding 70g-100g shisha seems a little excessive for me... even considering i can get nakala to smoke pretty good for like hour and a half to two hours with like just 15-20g or so. 
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