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something i am sick of (rant)

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well i was looking for hookahs to buy online and my mom tripped out. i told her it was for smoking shisha which is just tabbaco but she just said " yeah right, i know what yall use those for, im not stupid" so i just laughed at her and said whatever. so i guess when she comes home from work and im smoking in my room she'll realize it isnt weed afterall
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I always burn carpets and tables!! It has become my trademark. People have banned me.  I always got what are you smoking, when we would smoke at one of the clubs we frequented...the worse was when random people would ask to smoke, im not a germaphob.. but I don't want other people's nasty sh*t on me... but how can you say no?
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Thats when you tell them that this is a religious thing and if they want to puff they have to say a 30 minutes prayer first and maybe sell their soul to the devil. 
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I'm often surprised at people's knowledge or lack of when it comes to hookahs. It's catching on but for the most part I think it's still quite stigmatized.
I've got pleanty of shisha for it, and still no one believes me at first. I hate to have it all out when company is over because then I'd have to explain the entire process. Maybe I should save myself some trouble and make a pamphlet.
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depends on where you live. Here in SoCal hookah is very popular and around campuses UCLA, UCSD, UCI Cal States etc you will see everyone knows about hookah where to go where to buy it etc. I never get those question. I do always get the what flavor are you smoking though. Most of the time its a flavor i bought online that they dont have locally so i get the typical "no way i didnt know they made that flavor let me try"....
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Well, I was at a team lunch and i told them that "Tonight I will go home and do my hookah" .. Everyone was in shock ... I did not realize that it sounded like I said casually that "I will go and do my hooker" ...
So make sure when you day that you will "smoke" your hookah people don't think you are a pimp that will kill his prostitute.
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After reading a few comments further down frommy first reply, I
understand that I need to be accomodating when people ask me what
flavor I'm smoking and the such. I really don't get peeved, but its
just something I noticed. First thing anyone says :)

And typically when I'm smoking in public and I get approaced by curious
travelers who feel the need to give me some flavor recomendations:

Them: "hey man, you should try strawberry"
Me: "Oh yeah? What brand of strawberry should I try?"
Them: "Uh.. I'm not sure...."
Me: "Well that doesn't help me at all, because I've smoked more strawberries than you can shake a stick at..."

So yes, I'm typically a very nice guy to strangers, but this one thing
sort of bugs me. I guess most people just assume they know more than
the average smoker. But do they really think there is only one
brand/flavor of straberry? Common
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