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Reviews: QT, Al-amir, Layalina

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So...... I finally smoked my MYA QT
Thursday night and here are my opinions of everything. I have
included reviews of the MYA QT and the shisha that I have smoked. I
bought like 13 flavors from hookahcompany.com (2 thumbs up) and
everytime I try a flavor I will give it a review in this thread.
Instead of rating them on a numerical scale, I will them one of 3
things: 2 thumbs up, 2 thumbs down, or one of each. I'll prolly use
further adjectives to rate everything. My reviews will be brief as I
am new to this but please bear with me. I'm sort of a newbie to this
forum. Ok, here it is........

MYA QT review- Just as I expected: it
is such a beauty, i love everything about it. Big, sturdy vase in a
beautiful sky blue vase; nice, long hose with wooden ends; shiny
silver stem and ashtray; good bowl (a little on the small side maybe
if you're used to large groups, but does the job well for 2-3
people); nice and tight seal and very hard to knock over.
I especially love the vase, and i enjoy
seeing how it fills with white smoke during my sessions.
Clean up is such a snap with this thing
compared to the other hookahs I have used. Taking it apart takes a
matter of seconds and a quick rinse gets the cleaning job done.

Set up- Mya QT, Nour natural fingers
(3 nearly cubical pieces+1 to put on later in the session), ice water

Note: Ice water: I thought of this
before getting it, and have used it in all my sessions. I get a big empty jug (1 gallon) of
bottled water and fill it up halfway with tap water. It stays in my
fridge all the time, but if I know I'm going to have a session in
like 30 minutes or an hour, I throw in the freezer. Not all the water
freezes and I use this water to fill up my base. It's colder than
room water, and a bit colder than fridge water. Basically, you get
all the cooled smoke without the hassle of ice, which messes up with
the water level a tad bit. I suggest everyone try it, especially
those who use ice.

Layalina Eskandarani Apple
Appearance- stick icky gooey goodness; sweet apple smell, not artificial at all
Flavor- nice and sweet apple flavor; bold and flavorful
Smoke- I didn't want to put too much
heat on it so the smoke was about average

Buzz- medium, probably cause i was
smoking it like there was no tomorrow
BIG 2 Thumbs Up; i think this will be
permanently in my rotation

AA Strawberry
Appearance- typical AA- red and mildly
wet; smells like strawberry jam/jelly/preserves
Flavor- pretty good, tastes like
strawberry jam/jelly/preserves
Smoke- big, fluffy, white clouds
Buzz- light
Two thumbs up
Strawberry is one of my staple flavors, but I'm not sure AA would be the staple brand. However, it is definitely worth buying.

AA Grapes
Appearance- typical AA- red and not
overly wet; smelled a tad bit artificial
Flavor- pretty good but a tad art; when my
girlfriend's roomie came in she said it smelled like blue bubble gum. I would say it tastes a bit more like cherry than grape
smoke- big, fluffy, white clouds
buzz- light

One thumb up, one thumb down: like
strawberry, grape is another one of my favorites, but AA just doesn't hit the spot for the
me; i was looking for more of a grape flavor but i got more cherry;
it's worthy of trying, however.AA BlackberryAppearance- typical AA; smelled a subtle hint of blackberryFlavor- Good, mild flavor of blackberrySmoke: good cloudsBuzz-lightTwo thumbs up because it actually tasted a bit like blackberry. I would imagine this to be a hard flavor to create, and AA gave it a very good effort.AA HoneydewAppearance- typical AA; smelled very flavorful and exactly like Honeydew; once I opened the box, I knew I was going to be in for a treat.Flavor- Wowza, amazing: tasted like I was eating honeydewSmoke- good cloudsBuzz- light WOW, big thumbs up!!!!. Everything about AA honeydew was wonderful. It smelled great, exactly like honeydew; and it tasted amazing, very flavorful. Very true to the fruit!!! I watched the Brazil and France match while smoking this and it was such an enjoyable experience. This flavor is great for times that you want to chill and relax. AA Honeydew is going to be a mainstay in my rotation. I can't wait to buy more.
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Sounds like we both went the same route. I purchased a QT S-Class, then purchased everything else I needed from hookah company.
I also purchased  some Layalina Eskandarani Apple and love the stuff. I also got some AA balckberry as I saw it was one of the more popular sellers from their site.
Will have to give the honeydew a try, next time I purchase.
Thanks for the reviews and keep them coming, I enjoy reading everyones opinions. As I'm trying to figure out who I have similiar tastes too on this forum.
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