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Recommendations Needed Please

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Alright so me and my friendshave pretty much tried everything that our local smokes shops have to offer and I'm about to order online for the first time online and I was wondering if you guys could help me out with some recommendations on flavors and companies. Like at the moment we have hookah-hookah margarita and jamacian rum, layalina* banana, pineapple, fruit special,jasmin, and some other specialites from our hookah lounge. So if anyone can recommend some good flavors and companies I'd greatly appreciate itThank you in advance
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I've only tried a few flavers, but I would second the Layalina Eskandarani Apple. I also heard a lot of good comments about Roman Peach. So when I went down to my local hookah store I picked up 50g's, and would highly recomend it as well.
I'm curious what others have to say.
If you don't get too much feedback, you may want to do a search.
Also I made my purchase from hookah compay and was very pleased with their service and look forward to my next. They have a very big selection of brands and flavors to choose from.
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[url="http://www.socialsmokehookah.com/cgi-bin/shop/cp-app.cgi?pg="]http://www.socialsmokehookah.com/cgi-bin/s.../cp-app.cgi?pg=[/url] shishaguide#4The above linke to Social Smoke gives a run-down of some of the most common brands of mu'ussel.  It should give you a good idea of where to start.
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For me personally, I think Al Fakher is the best I've smoked (out of AF, AA, Nakhla, and Hookah Hookah). It's very flavorful and smoke density is great. Also, the buzz is light.Havana and Layalina are supposed to be in that sort of league too.
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Well if you have tried everything at your local lounge (looks like mostly hookah-hookah products) it's time to step it up a notch.  If you want some good flavots I would recommend the stuff that you would generally pay for.  I am talking about Tangiers, Starbuzz, Rommann, and Fumari.  Be warned however, once you start with the good tasting high end tobacco it will be hard to go back to the cheaper tobacco.  So, if you are ready to take the plunge and open that wallet you aren't ever going to go back to the other crap. PS Sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes I am pretty farshnicken right now.--Amichai Israeli
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[quote name='Loumeer']PS Sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes I am pretty farshnicken right now.[/quote] Dude, is that Yiddish for drunk, stoned, or both?  
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