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wanting to get a new hookah

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hey so i have been looking at the Mya QT and i am very very interested in buying one. I called Mya Saray and they said they do not have anymore in stock so i was wondering where i could find Mya QT hookahs on other sites. How would i be able to distinguish if they are real or not? and sites like elitehookah and socialsmoke, are they very reliable? i know elitehookah.com has a QT special, they are the real ones right? just wanted some reliable sources,Thanks everyone
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Do you have a good local tobacco shop?  Mine carries an extensive
selection of Myas, and sells the QT for $40.  If you can buy
locally at a decent price, I might recommend it cause if something goes
wrong you can just bring it back to the shop.
Online I know of elitehookah.com and hookah-shisha.com (listed as the
'Crown') that carry QTs.  My girlfriend got me my QT from
hookah-shisha.com, and if she can do it with no problems then I'm sure
you can too.  
Don't have any experience ordering from elitehookah.com, but their
prices are great and if I needed a QT I wouldn't hesitate to buy from

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