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StarBuzz issues

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i bought a little 100 gram bag of starbuzz vanilla. the first bowl i packed was delicious. the second, third, and fourth bowl i packed was foul.
what did i do? i tried cleaning out my hookah, did that between bowls 2 and 3. i liked the flavor i had at first, and im tired of wasting it! did it go bad or something? i havent had it for more than two weeks!  anyone else have this problem of tha phantom shisha?
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Did you smoke anything else in between the vanilla?  Is your hose clean as well as your stem/vase/bowl?  Are you sure you're packing it the same and have similar heat to the first bowl?  It could be the weather as well, as Tangiers has mentioned in a few posts that the recent weather in his area has made for crappy smoking.
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Yeah, weather is probably the issue. It happens to people smoking Tangiers, too. If you keep your tobacco open to the air, it will reduce the number of bad days, but then the tobacco might pickup unfortunate smells and translate them as bad flavor or even worse, make you sick. (Don't have any poisonous or dangerous vapors near open sheesha, especially drain cleaner, nail polish remover, etc.)The unfortunate truth is, my friends, if you smoke a full-nicotine
tobacco, you will have good smoking days and bad smoking days.
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