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Star Wars debate

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i know this isnt exactly serious, but it didnt fit the theme of the other boards.
do you believe anakin skywalker was born from the Will of the Force, like suggested in the prophecy, or that he was created by Darth Plagueis (or even Sidious)?
here is my take- either he was truly born from the force, or Darth Plagueis created him long ago (maybe as practice? or some experimentation?) and by a stroke of luck, was discovered by Sidious. any other ideas?
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first of all, star wars is a ficticious story meaning its not real, therfore there is no answer to this question. i guess you could make assumptions to make things make since to you but id have to say you have to go by what the story tells you
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lol what are you talking about, i was just giving me opinion without trying to sound like an asshole, im guessing thats how it came off anyways lol sorry about that
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They wouldnt have dropped a bomb like Darth Plagueis into the series if
he wasnt the actual creator of Anakin. In the end Anakin did bring
about the balance of the force, trough the creation of his son. Or when
Anakin finally killed the emperor.
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Thread killers! I'd be way pessed, Skimo. I had a crazy friend who claimed he had all nine books of the Star Wars movies, about 20 years ago. He claimed that they were already written. Does anybody else know if this is true or not?
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[quote name='Tangiers']Thread killers! I'd be way pessed, Skimo. I had a crazy friend who claimed he had all nine books of the Star Wars movies, about 20 years ago. He claimed that they were already written. Does anybody else know if this is true or not?[/quote]
Wait...do you smell that...
...smells like...burning bullsh*t!
//on topic
Anikin's mother was a whore...his real father is Watto!
//Really back on topicMr. Lucas, tried to make him up to be this immaculate conception, Jesus figure.  He even said that the fire/lava planet in the third(sixth if you want to get chronological) movie was his depiction of hell.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Thread killers! I'd be way pessed, Skimo. I had a crazy friend who claimed he had all nine books of the Star Wars movies, about 20 years ago. He claimed that they were already written. Does anybody else know if this is true or not?[/quote]
not true. if it were, theyd be all over. as it is, there are about 70 some-odd novels already in ciculation, the first one written before Empire came out.
Lucas wrote star wars on a hunch, with some homages to some of his favorite movies, and it blew up. originally, the theatrical version did not say "a long time ago..." and it was not "ep. IV". it was simply "star wars". when sequels came around, he wanted them t be episodes, so it wouldnt seem like your standard "star wars part II" sequels that plagued society at the time. he started them at ep. 4 because he wanted to make it seem like you were coming in at the middle of the story. the whole thing about "starting with ep. 4-6 because technology wasnt good enough for the already written ep. 1-3" is bogus. vader's "back story" was a post-it note on a notebook somewhere. he wrote them as he made them. true, he decided to do ep. 1-3 when he felt comfortable with the technology at the time, but like i said, he wrote them as he made them. it wasnt some "master plan" or anything, it was more of a fluke. it just took off without anyone knwoing. so there are no hidden "ep. 7, 8, 9" scripts floating around, regardless of what supershadow says. the story ended with anakins redemption. if you wanna know more about the galaxy, read the books. they rock.
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I would have thought the same thing, but he knew things about the stories, about the Clone Wars, that he couldn't have known unless he read something advanced about them. Some specifics seem to be slightly different, but some of them and the general picture fit. Example: Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader after Obi Wan Kenobi  threw him in a volcano ("lava"?) on a mining planet which horribly burned and crippled him. He also claimed to have had a bootleg copy of the Director's Cut of Aliens, which it turned out later, after the director's cut was released 20 years later (for the "first time"), that he indeed had seen it 15 years before anyone else. 
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i wont believe it unless i see it. in any case, vader's general backstory was written long ago, that is true. but not to any amount of depth.
your friend might very well be a time traveler.
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