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Tangiers reviews!!

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Dont waist your money. Go to safeway/walmart/kroger whatever you have and get the gladware containers, you can probably get 5-10 for 5 bucks. CHeep washable and reuseable. Trust me, youll need that money for more shisha!
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Tangiers had different bowls at his place. He showed me the difference
between them and why his are better suited for his tobacco. He uses a
high temp fired ceramic. So the texture is finer and there isn't small
pockets of grit of air like in a regular bowl. I am sure he can explain
it better. But the bowl he has was visuially better made and I can see
how the heat would be better distributed.
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I can't explain it too much better than that. Essentially, the thermal resistance is higher since the clay is better vitrified, so when it gets hot, it stays hotter.Additionally, the elongated neck allows the turbulent fluid flow created by the venturi to stablize. A standard head has the top near the turbulent pocket, making for a more erratic hit. And a partridge in a pear tree.
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Yeah, well I have degrees in Chemical Engineering, chemistry, mathematics, economics and accounting. I also started post bacculaureate work in chemistry. I hadn't decided between nuclear chemical engineering and organic chemical synthesis when I decided I'd been to school enough and left after thirteen years (24 with elementary/high school). Although, I never graduated high school...I flunked out.
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