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Hookah= 15 cigarettes?

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Unfortunatley. I cant read arabic.. but I found the pics at the bottom of the page which are self-explanatory as to what they mean...
was hoping someone could tell us what the basis of this guy's claim is
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Using Googles translator, it turns into: Alnergelh broadcast rays and atomic larger!


If I read an article Alsijarh broadcast atomic rays!
In this page we have to think that smoking is survived Alnergelh.
However, the above proves that you Khattak will be the heaviest if you
decided to replace Alsijarh Balnergelh.

Fhjer Alnergelh smoking is usually at the last two or three equivalent of smoking 10 to 20 Cigarettes!

Transfer to Alnergelh stone equals 15 cigarettes on average, page Alsijarh broadcast atomic rays! You can be quite confident that
Smoking just one cigarette a day for one year only gives the amount of
radiation from the atomic equivalent to those of 50 take a X-ray image .

By a simple mathematical : Nerjelh one stone = 15 x 50 cigarettes a X-ray image = 750 X-ray image published!

In addition, the following facts which I should tolerate me D. Ahmad Ali Ahmad , a specialist diseases and sensitivity in the chest Hamad Medical Foundation
, Doha, Qatar, I quoted an article by him that I have found the best
essay explaining Alnergelh fact, You can read most of what is stated in
the following points. If I read the article in full in situ What you
only pressure at the following address :

Http://www.stopsmokingarab.com/Arabic/arti...s/article_3.htm[/url] l ://Http://www.stopsmokingarab.com/Arab...le_3.htm l

Alnergelh fact :

Components of tobacco smoke hubble-bubble, and the resulting combustion Does not differ from the components of cigarettes and tobacco Djanha, since by no less than 4000 Toxic substance, most notably :

1. Nicotine
2. Carbon monoxide gas
3. Tar
4. Heavy metals
5. Radioactive material
6. Materials Msrtunah
7. Toxic materials
8. Agricultural chemicals (Akhtulttt Benbth before they are manufactured tobacco)
9. Insecticides
(Akhtulttt Benbth before they are manufactured tobacco)

Some claim the production of tobacco companies to remove all or most of
the material tar cigarettes hubble-bubble, and we affirm the invalidity
of this claim. It also added to the tobacco hubble-bubble many articles
Almenkhh unknown composition, and how much harm are we unaware.

Hubble-bubble types :

What was said about smoking hubble-bubble or through the use of the water pipers Aljrak
Or Molasses tobacco That passed danger whatsoever incorrect.

One study has shown over four years that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Molasses tobacco
Is a sincere tobacco with large quantities of dyes, colours and
Alenkhat which confuses not control any healthy proven to cause various
diseases and cancers.

Contain Aljrak
The 15% Tobacco, which confused some honey, fruits and chemical additives which cooked and Takhmer.

Health impacts smoking hubble-bubble :

There are many people in the wrong conviction that the hubble-bubble
little damage because the passage of smoke through the water at smoking
cigarettes is the nomination of harmful substances and thus reduce the
damage caused by the hubble-bubble.

This misconception, It has been found through analysis of the smoke
from the lips of smokers outside hubble-bubble that contains the same
harmful substances as carcinogenic smoke cigarettes.

The studies proved that smoking Balhicheh :

Cause addiction.

Reduces the efficiency of the performance of functions lungs, and
causes swelling lung (Alanvzima), chronic bronchitis, The disease
limits the ability to make any effort whenever worsened.

Leads to the occurrence of lung cancers, mouth and stomach and Almere.

Lead to higher concentration of carbon monoxide gas (suffocation) in the blood.

Lead to decreased fertility in males and females.

Help to increase the proportion of the spread of tuberculosis when users hubble-bubble.

Hubble-bubble in women smokers during pregnancy leads to decreased
fetal weight, It also presents the embryo to respiratory diseases in
the future or to the occurrence of clinical sudden death after

Emission of odors with oneself and clothing.

Bah voice.

Congestion eyes.

Appearance of wrinkles and skin especially in the face early.

Shish smoking one of the most important air pollutants in the houses
and rooms near cafes where there are a large number of smokers.

Indicate if this sentence :

Smoking stone Nerjelh day for one year is equivalent to
A chest X-ray Pretty standard stuff.
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Well, I read arabic, and it sounds like someone needs to get laid.
I bet you this guy is a virgin. 
Also,  I have a question, does shisha has Tar in it ?
We all know smoking is bad for ur health.  But It is more fun than not to.  Thats the only reason why McDonal and Burger King and every other fast food places make a lots of money.
He makes sound like any shisha smoker is a radio active uranium rod.
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I believe "Tar" in this sense is not a specific chemical, but the sticky chemical residue that is a byproduct of the combustion of tobacco, so to answer your question yes, shisha most definately has tar in it, as does anything else with tobacco that you burn. In fact to my dismay there is a lot of fairly recent scientific evidence that suggests hookah smoking may actually be worse for your health than cigarette smoking.  
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"It doesn't matter how big the warnings on the cigarettes are; you could
have a black pack, with a skull and crossbones on the front, called
TUMORS, and smokers would be around the block going, "I can't wait to
get my hands on these f**king things! I bet ya get a tumor as soon as
you light up!" - Dennis LearyThe quote seemed relevant, considering most people are going to do what they want, no matter what. Personally, the hookah does not feel addictive to me at least compared to cigarettes. To smoke a hookah: There is the time investment, huge pipe size, and of course the stigma surrounding the hobby. To smoke a cigarette: light up and inhale. Moderation is key.Of course the anti-tobacco organization has to impose on personal choice by bringing in propaganda, bad science, and the general fear mongering. We know it can cause cancer, now we just need to find out why so many non-smokers like to preach.
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what are your thoughts on std-free men surf? take em or leave em.

personally, when it comes to women i like to live dangerously. (joking)

hookah may =15 cigs (no way) but how many hookahs does an std equal?
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[quote name='MrGuy']God this is like algebra
hookah = 15 cigswomen = STD
i'm sure theres an equation in there somewhere.[/quote]Well, if hookah=15 cigs and women=STD, and we know that STD's are definately worse than a few cigarettes, so 15 cigs > STD.  Therefore:Hookah > Women. 
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ive heard that putting two negative things together (we'll refer to
them as wrongs for the time being) do in fact occasionally make a
positive thing (here referred to as a right thing)

hookahs and women i think are two of these.

stds.... not so much
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