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Importing to the UK.

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Recently i've been debating the idea of importing a couple of 250g boxes of either al falker or Tangiers to the UK as prices here are so ridiculously high. However, I'm aware of customs and I'm afraid that i'll draw the short straw and be intercepted. After doing some research it looks like Hookacompany.com will be the cheapest to ship. Before I go ahead with it I have some questions though:1) How discreet are most websites when it comes to shiping internationally? Do they mark as a gift automatically or will I need to send an email? A2) How much is Customs duty per kilo/gram for molasses if they examine my delivery? I've looked around and found no final figures.Thank you.
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Hmmm, when you're shipping to Canada you can't mark tobacco as a gift. What you need to do is ask the vendor to mark the contents of the package as "Al Fakher" or "Tangiers" as opposed to labeling it tobacco(this is on the customs form, it should ask for a description along with value).  Then mark as a gift, or if not at least put a low value on it to save on duties.  I have recieved cigars this way many times with no problems.  You could still get caught, as packages can be opened at random, but it's far less likely.  If caught, all they will do is charge you the appropriate duites (at least Canada does it this way).  Duties and taxes I can;t help you on...though maybe I'll peek around a bit for ya.
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HiThe customs are 74 % for all of EU. (of the total expenses; freight price insurance etc.)Tobacco duties are 33.5 £/kg tobacco in Denmark. I believe a little lower in GB (and cigarettes a little higher).On top of that (price+freight, etc.+customs+tobacco duties) you add import VAT. This is the same rate as the normal VAT rate.And yes, as in Canada as well as EU, the label "present" will not change anything regarding rules if taken in customs. It might or might not give you a better chance of not being taken in customs - I dont know.
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[quote name='Kofod']HiThe customs are 74 % for all of EU. (of the total expenses; freight price insurance etc.)Tobacco duties are 33.5 £/kg tobacco in Denmark. I believe a little lower in GB (and cigarettes a little higher).On top of that (price+freight, etc.+customs+tobacco duties) you add import VAT. This is the same rate as the normal VAT rate.[/quote]
Wow thats pretty pricey, so 2 250g tubs are going to cost about £10 - £15 just in tobacco duties!!
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"Snuff and "herbal" smoking products are not liable to Tobacco Duty, although orally-taken snuff was banned in 1989 under EU law."
would shisha come under "herbal" smoking do you think? if not then it must be hand rolling tobacco, "and-rolling tobacco at £104.47 per kilogram"
I'm not sure if this is talking about personal shipping (e.g. gifts etc) or large scale imports....
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I dont think shisha would fall into herbal smoking - everything that is supposed to be "smoked" is tobacco in some sort and will thus fall into one of the categories mentioned - so no luck there. I am of course not totally familiar with the UK rules - but tobacco is under the EU "umbrella" of harmonized national duties (with alkohol, parfume and such). With these rules the member countries can decide something on their own, like the rate and how its paid and such but not much more than that. What tobacco is and what you can put duty on is a solely EU matter.If not the article by "herbal" means incense or something like that, then its incorrect.It is also incorrect with regards to snuf - bagged snuf is illegal except in Sweden, regular snuf on the other hans is somewhat regulated but not at all illegal. (note; bagged snuf is snuf in smal "teabags" that makes snuf more convenient, doesnt stick to the teeths etc.)I cannot imagine the duty being as high as mentioned either - but that I dont know.There's no difference with regards to personal/small or business/big import.
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Well when funds are being kinder, i'm going to have a pop at ordering a hookah from hookah-shisha.com because you get some free shisha, so we'll see what happens. i havn't heard any complaints on the forums about shipping shisha to the UK so.....
If you do import any, share the results please
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[quote name='MrGuy']g do you think? if not then it must be hand rolling tobacco, "and-rolling tobacco at £104.47 per kilogram"[/quote]There is another section for tobacco known simply as "Other tobacco products". That's about £61 a kilo if I recall correctly.Overall, If I get intercepted by customs It looks like it will still be cheaper than that shisha.co.uk website. I've read some peoples experience and i'll give it a shot and hope for the best.
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yup, shisha.co.uk is a total ripoff. £34 for 250g of AF....£34!!!! thats like $70 for all you yankee's.
A fellow "roast beef" must have ordered shisha from overseas before.
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I decided to go on a hunt for online shops in the uk and found a few other than shisha.co.uk
[url="http://www.hookahs.co.uk/"]http://www.hookahs.co.uk/http://www.egyptianshop.co.uk/section.php?xSec=29 http://www.herbalhighs.co.uk/hooka_sheesha...nd_shisha_pipes[/url]://http://www.hookahs.co.uk/http://www...hisha_pipes://http://www.hookahs.co.uk/http://www...hisha_pipes://http://www.hookahs.co.uk/http://www...hisha_pipes://http://www.hookahs.co.uk/http://www...hisha_pipes .htmhttp://www.craftmarketcorner.co.uk/yalgo-shisha-c-500.htmlhttp://www.hookahshop.co.uk/http://www1.simplyshisha.co.uk/ [url="http://www.everyonedoesit.co.uk/search/index.cfm?sSearchStri"]http://www.everyonedoesit.co.uk/search/ind...cfm?sSearchStri[/url] ng=shishahttp://www.egyptiandreams.co.uk/index.php?cPath=103 [url="http://www.roll-ups.co.uk/includes/catsearch.php?shop_id=879"]http://www.roll-ups.co.uk/includes/catsear...php?shop_id=879[/url] &brand_id=0&type_id=889&SUBMIT.x=20&SUBMIT.y =11://http://www.hookahs.co.uk/http://www...20&SUBMIT.y =11
Hmmm...did quite well there i think. most of those links are for hookah's, but a few sell shisha if you browse.
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Reminds of the joke i constantly crack regarding peolpe taking english at college "whats the point? we're already fluent in it"
I'll probably place a few variably sized orders. normally we all pick what we want and order it all as one package to keep shipping costs down. Will you just be exporting tangiers or will you do other brands as well?
...maybe someone should set up a shisha sales business in the UK. i know there's already a few but no really big ones that sell a lot of decent brands... Might have to try that at some point in the future.
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yeah, im ordering from hookah-shisha.com mainly because of their prices and freebies, but also, they're one of the only sites that will tell me how much it will cost to ship to england (it works it out by whats in your cart)
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