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How long your average session lasts

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Hi, im new here and thought i shoudl start a topic regarding this cause well.. i didnt see any. My sessions with my current hookah and head last about 2-2and a hlaf hours. the smoke rarley goes harsh and when it does i move the coal to a differnt part of the head and its fine. with my first hookah (ive had 4) the head was such that it only allowed for about 30 min session befroe it became unbearably harsh.
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When by myself, I stick to about the 45min - 1hr range. Anything over that and I risk headaches...

If I'm with a group of friends, the bowls go anywhere from 1.5hours -
2. After that point, the bowl is a crispy puck, not yielding anymore
flavor. Sure I could still get smoke out of it, but whats the point?
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1hr- 1 1/2 hrs by myself. Havent really paid attention to the clock when smoking in a group. By the way, how come it lasts longer with a group, I would think it would be shorter sessions because its continuosly being used??
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my 21inch hookah will last me about 45min to 1 hour. I can smoke it longer but I kinda get bored if im by myself smoking.

at the lounge when we play spades I can go for a good 2-3 hours on one with about 4 coals then its completely killed.
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