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they should have

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[quote name='Yashman19']And because you for some odd reason created a poll thread without the
ability to post as well..... :
[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2006&KW=poll"] http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=2006&KW[/url] =poll[/quote]I think you meant this one://http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_... meant this one...
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Oh, and I think it would be a terrible idea.  There are enough immature people in the legal age range to smoke that can go to these places and annoy me.  I don't need a bunch of pubescent turds playing yu gi oh and screaming their f**king heads off running around pretending they are high because they smoked hookah. 
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Actually, unfortunantly, i think pyro should kno, in NOVA no one ever checks for ID. I have never been checked whenever i go to a hookah bar. Maybe is always because we order lots of $10.00 kabobs so they dont want to loose business by saying we cant hookah after that lol. And speaking of kabobs, i ALWAYS overeat at the hookah bars and when i hookah inbetween, i start to feel reeeealy full and sick lol, like i need to burp but instead smoke hookah and it gets pushed back down so maaaaybe.... i just fart it out later ahahhahaha. HOOKAH FART!!
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[quote name='thepyrofish'][quote name='Yashman19']And because you for some odd reason created a poll thread without the
ability to post as well..... :
[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2006&KW=poll"] http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=2006&KW[/url] =poll[/quote]I think you meant this one://http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_... meant this one...

Nope, not really.. Because people don't have the ability to reply to
his thread, I wanted him to see a link to a very similar thread
somehow, so I posted it in here.
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I think this thread should continue but in the serious discussion area.
It really sucks being in a mainly american forum, no offence. It wouldn't be so bad if the legal age for smoking in america was 16. I'm 16, i frequent our local shisha bar about 2 times a week, i'm good friends with the owner, he loves me and my mates, he's a really sound guy. But it raelly sucks getting lumped in with the "under 18 year olds" in this forum. We arn't all bad.
paintballboy123, you were just asking for trouble with this thread and the way you worded it. I don't quite understand what your aiming to achieve by this thread, but im sure it could have been worded better. I can understand the replies from all the "olds" in this forum, and to be honest, i would probably put the same or similar thing in their position.
If yuou want to frequent a hookah bar in at your age, move over to the UK. Regarding tobacco, you never get ID'd so it isn't too bad.
But i agree where the others are coming from. personally, i don't consider myself a "pubescent turd" but i know a lot of people around my age (mainly younger) are. It pisses me off when i go to arya and sit down for a smoke, a few beers and some good food with my friends, and you get a couple or 3 14 - 15 year olds come in and they're jsut obnoxious. It's embaressing to be "associated" with them.
But maybe a hookah bar targetted more towards younger smokers could work, i imagine they would have constant problems with police etc, but it could pay off, particularly here in the UK, where smoking laws are a little more lenient and not really enforced aswell as they should be.
Could the mods move this to the serious discussion forum instead?
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Yash: I see what you were doing there.  I thought you were simply pointing out his thread, and I couldn't resist the chance to correct one of our newly appointed mods MrGuy: I see what you're saying, and I apologise for the generalisation.  Inevitably, however, the crowd I mentioned would show up.  At least here they would.  In the UK, I think there would be less of the whole "WOW, I'm a rebel!" factor since it's more common for younger people to do this type of thing.  This may help you avoid the rowdy ADD kids that are just there to be cool. 
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Why can't people drive until 16, why can't people buy alcohol until 18 (19 or 21), why can't people buy tobacco until 18?  Because of maturity.  I admit that not everyone of age is mature, but it's the majority.  Laws and regulations are in place from rational thought and planning...well, except that one law against eating an orange in your bathtub on a sunday.  That's just wacky.
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half the people my age (19-20) are immature and annoying, at 15 that number creeps into the 90s. I think that a young bar would be a bad idea. If anything im for stricter enforcement of the smoking laws and id checks. too many young kids do things because they are cool and not because they want to. when these things are destructive to their health, this is a serious problem. nicotine (like most drugs) has a more pronounced effect on younger people (ie those who are still growing) and that combined with peer pressure causes many young people to get hooked on tobacco products without giving much thought to the consequences. Lets face it when youre young you feel invincible and like all the health problems are just old people being douchy. Y'all kids are making me feel old.If your attitude is "wow im so cool because im smoking hookah" then maybe you should choose a different hobby and stop reflecting badly on the rest of us by breaking laws. ( i say while i sit here drinking a beer)
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[quote name='SanguineSolitude']p.s. i dont like the useage of language such as
koool, u, and lol. learn to speak proper english, it makes you seem
intelligent and less like a little kid who shouldnt be allowed to smoke.[/quote]

Ahem.. [url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2167&KW=Sariel"]I'm with you..[/url]

Anyways, I'm sure we've scared off the poor little fella by now.

I know a lot of people would like the new mods to flex some muscle with
their new power, but deleting threads has caused some problems in the
past.. If Mushrat or Tangiers wants to take some sort of action, then
they have my full support. Other than that, lets try and keep the
flaming to a minimum, especially since there really isn't a rule about
minors posting.

But yeah, there also isn't anything in the rules about people
discussing how they feel about smoking laws, so feel free to vent your
thoughts in here. Just no more hate
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