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updated Hookah-shisha.com site

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Wow, thats pretty neat, and for a 1 hose scarab with all the freeebies (2 free premium packs of shisha, carry case, hose etc) and everything plus P&P it comes to £40. I think i'm going to have to get me one of those.
THats the first site i've found that actually gives the impression that they wouldn't be going out of their way to ship it over to the UK
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I just ordered form them, the site is ok, just slow ass loading pages, they need to fix that, otherwise it is a nice website,  and I agree it looks like they just used a standard template and threw some ASP pages in it
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The good: The site no longer looks like a high school project. It is much easier to navigate. Much much much more appealing to the eye. NEW REWARDS PROGRAM!The bad: I literally just bought 2 MYA hookahs from them last week for around 230 dollars and right after that they introduced the new rewards program. You also need to go recreate a new account if you had one on their old site.Despite any site changes, hookah-shisha remains a great shop with a very friendly and helpful staff. Good products and prices, too!
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Oh, you better believe I signed up for the monthly give-away ^_^

And the site does look extreamly professional. I bet they spent a
pretty penny on that site, but I must say its well worth it. Hopefully
they can do something about the long page loading time like mentioned
above, but it still is a huge improvement.
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[quote name='NorthEastSmoker']yash and others; I've noticed that it loads a TON faster with my mozilla vs my internet explorer..[/quote]

I am using firefox. Good god, don't tell me explorer is even slower...
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[quote name='Yashman19'][quote name='NorthEastSmoker']yash and others; I've noticed that it loads a TON faster with my mozilla vs my internet explorer..[/quote]

I am using firefox. Good god, don't tell me explorer is even slower...


would you be surprised if it was?  I hope not.. 

seems to load fine for me with mozilla..  IE is slower than
tangiers black glycerine running uphill on Maine winter day, but
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[quote name='MrGuy']I want to order a mya from there but i want a proper  case for it, not a wire basket! might just have to settle for the Scarab  instead[/quote] I just purchased the MYA QT from them. The wire basket is actually pretty cool. And the QT is a superb smoke. Don't settle for the Scarab. I will soon approach Mya Saray about a hard case for my new Mya Crimson. I hope they will sell one to me individually.
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Ahaaa, great stuff. i've just had a long in depth chat with one of the guys at h-s and got everything sorted so when i order my mya mini-orb, i get a hard case thingy instead of a basket.
The customer support is briliant. live chat makes me happy:D just arranged everything and had a good chat with him. Great guy. I intend to fire up a thread when i place my ordre reviewing the site, its services and its products. But so far i can tell you i'm loving it, especially the customer support, very personal. I can't wait to order my nice new MYA now with some tobaco that isnt el basha or soex (i've been limited to them up until now!) can't wait.
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yea, the site looks nice. interesting though if you look at the text information that hookah-shisha has now added to their site, it appears that they are copying text from other sites. i really noticed this with the hookah points program that they have. the text was just copied from southsmoke.com just like other text they took from elsewhere. amazing that with such improvements they cant look to their own minds for original thoughts and ideas. that is what this industry needs.
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i thinkt hat text is included with a web template. there are lots of sites on the internet with that text. i've seen it around and on 2 or 3 shisha site's. why make it hard for yourself? and to be honest, i think their $55 of free items with every hookah is an orginal thought/idea.
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Wow, I have never heard that one before.  Since WE were
the first Hookah Retail Site I think it would be tough/lame to copy descriptions
after the fact.  Not to mention I wrote some of those myself- and I do not

Yes, we did simply cut and paste the text from the old Hookah-Shisha
site.  THIS MIND is currently revising our current descriptions to clean
them up and help provide the most accurate information as possible.  (but
we do have a lot of products and it does take time, btw)
If anyone notices any discrepancies or errors in the descriptions, or
suggestions; please email them to HqaMan@gmail.com

(Disclaimer: I work for Hookah-Shisha.Com)
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