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updated Hookah-shisha.com site

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theres a discussion abut this in another thread. bascialy they're just rebranding it because they're allowed. Although the general opinion of the people here was it would be more successful if they marketed it as a QT because of the name.
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The description for the Crown at least now says that it's an authentic Myasaray pipe, which is good..
Don't know as I'm a big fan of the removal of the flat-rate shipping.  I don't see the rewards program as really saving me more than the flat rate shipping did, as I just buy a little shisha and coals for my purchases..  No large purchases (so, no large amount of rewards points)  That's going to take a while of paying a lot of shipping before the rewards points add up to any sort of saving for me..
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IT is a QT, I've been speaking to the people over there quite a bit recently.I don't know if it's the cheapest place for shisha but it's definately the best place to buy a hookah because of the massive ammount of freebies you get.Also i find it's the best place ive found because they offer a shipping calculator that you don't need to sign up for to use. particularly useful for shipping ot the UK (even if my next order is going to be $56 jsut in shipping costs!)EDIT: 250th post!!
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i think since the added the fact the the crown is a MYA in it's description, they should start doing that for all of their MYA hookahs. I know that before (in another thread) they said the you should trust the dealer and not be concerned by the brand, but lets face it, the name MYA will sell...
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