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Ok first off, i rescarched this site on here. I found people talking about buying, but  no feedback. I know as a gernal rule you dont order from a place that doesnt have  phone number. Well normally this would be alright and i would find a new site but this is the only site on the net, that i could find, that sells my beloved Pharohs shisha.  I emailed them last night for a contact number so we'll see how that works out. Has anyone had a history with this place!?!Thanks,BH1
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Actually, I have heard of them. I have their number somewhere. Several people know the guy. He's in Anaheim or somewhere in the L.A. area...Dominguez Hills (?). Whatever. Other than that, he's known of. He's not some crackhead with a URL. 
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No, the price on Al Fahker is going up...way up. A rumor from big players in the industry is that Fahker changed hands...which frequently means the new guy wants to make all the money he can. Additionally, shipping is going way up because of the price of oil coupled with a weak American dollar (or a strong every other currency, your choice...except the yen)
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The address on the site (which matches th whois info) is in North Hollywood. I drove by last night at around 3AM, and it seems to be a discount tobacco shop in a strip mall> I'm going to stop by there today on my way to work and pick up a $39 QT if that really is them. I'll let you know.
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Well, I got the address wrong, the discount cigarette place didn't know anything about custom hookahs.com. Google Earth just doesn't seem to want to show me the correct address, and I was running late, and didn't have time to go exploring. I did buy a nice Blue MYA QT for $29 (sans wire case) . That makes 5 (or 4 1/2 if you don't count the handheld as a whole hookah.)I'll try and go by the correct address in the next few days, if my schedule permits.
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you want expensive fakher? check out shisha.co.uk (i think thats the address most shisha related UK domains seem to point to the same site) 250g fakher = £37 ($68)
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I ordered from Customhookahs before and man was i upset. I ordered a black and silver hose from them to match my hookah and they totally sent me the wrong hose. I sent them some feedback and I got nothing in return not even an apology. Save your money or go to another site!
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