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mm.. hookah heaven..

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In all seriousness, mind posting a full size picture of your hookah?
The stem design is simply stunning, and I want to know what the base
looks like as well :)

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bahh...  My hair is brown, not red, and I've gotten laid recently (I think; check with my wife...)

here's a full pic..  it's the Syrian Glyph from Hookah-shisha.com,
my wife bought it for me for xmas 2 years ago..  yes, that's JB
weld near the base of the stem, and a home-depot cap where the valve
used to be.. but eh, it still smokes like a champ, and will take 2
hoses when I have friends over..   sherminator has
friends, yes? :)
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Definately not dissing your hookah, but I was expecting something
different for the base. But god damn do I love that stem, looks really

Looking at your picture makes me jealous.. I miss being able to smoke
in my room. During the school year I have an on campus apartment with
my friends, which is a huge step up from the dorms (kitchen, seperate
rooms for everyone), and I'm able to smoke in my room where I have
access to my computer, tv, movies, xbox. But over the summer I'm living
off campus where its much cheaper while I take some summer classes, and
my new roomates (eww, girls) don't let me smoke inside... They have me
outside on the balcony during the HEAT WAVE, and its too windy to blow
rings. Thank god the school year will be starting in a month...

And to Cat-P, was American Pie being played on TBS recently? I thought
that weird 4th movie with none of the original actors was going to be
played, but not any of the American Pies.
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Yash.. nah.. certainly didn't think you were knocking my hookah.. 
I do wish it was a wider, more decorated base (think MYA cloisenne, sp?)

I only wish I was still at school... graduated college in spring of
'03..  working full time doing marketing/electronic media
advertising for a state-wide retail company now..  god how I miss
living in college.. lived in a 4-person suite my senior year. heaven on
earth, between beer, hookah and gamecube..  that picture is in the computer room/office of my house (read = mortgage + school loans)...
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i think it was on USA (the only network that shows MONK )
northeast: I put that same valve cap on for my cousins rotator except I drilled couple holes so you can still blow out and I painted it chrome to match it
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yeah, the cap makes it dead solid air tight, except I have no way of
clearing the base now..  I'll pull the bowl off, burn my hands,
and blow that out twice a smoke, but it still works..  $2 for a
air-tight hookah works for me...

it was: 

al amir apple (30 %)
al waha mint (10 %)
al waha peach (60 %)
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